you're my special valentine

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This was their first proper valentines together, as a couple, and Eddy wanted to make it special and surprise Brett. And so he did something he never did: cook.

Eddy was quite proud of himself for making a meal from scratch by himself. Although not entirely by himself, he called his mum earlier to ask for help but he still felt proud. Stir fry isn't supposed to be too challenging to make but for a man who could just about manage to cook toast, it was.

He wasn't sure if it was even cooked properly but it looked how it did when they bought takeout so it must be fine, right? 

Eddy began plating up the food into two bowls when he heard the shower turn off from the opposite of the apartment.

Brett walked from the bathroom to their bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, he left wet footprints on the floor as he walked. He dried his body off and grabbed one of Eddy's hoodies off the heater and put it on. Feeling the soft and warm fabric against his bare skin made him smile. And it smelled like Eddy which made him smile more. 

He put on a pair of those grey shorts and socks and walked into the living/dining room in search of his phone. It wasn't in the bedroom or recording studio.

Eddy had bought some candles earlier that day when he was shopping for food. There were candles littered throughout the room, illuminating the dim room softly. It made the room feel more intimate and soft than it actually was.

"Eddy! Have you se- oh my god..."

When Brett entered he was shocked, to say the least. He didn't expect Eddy to do much, they hadn't planned to do anything really at all and seeing the room all lit up like this made him feel loved. 

It was then when Eddy entered holding a bowl in each hand. He looked up at Brett and said: 

"I made dinner! I hope you like it.. I know we didn't plan anything but I thought it would be nice if I made something," he set the bowls down on the table opposite each other.

"You're the best boyfriend in the world," Brett laughed, he walked over to Eddy and kissed him on the cheek, and sat down at the table.

Eddy sat opposite Brett, "Only the best for you, Bretty."

"When did you buy all this? I didn't think we had any candles and I'm pretty sure the fridge was empty..."

"Oh. I went out while you were asleep this morning, I wanted it to be a surprise." He said smiling.

"I woke up really early, what time did you go out?" Brett said as he took a bite of his meal.

Eddy didn't answer the question as he instead focused on what Brett was doing, his eyes widened slightly as Brett tried his food,  "So what do you think..?" 

Brett paused slightly to swallow and think of a response. 

"This tastes amazing!" 

"Really??" Eddy was very, very surprised.

"Yeah! It's so good" Brett said almost shovelling food into his mouth. 

Eddy dug into his own serving, which to his surprise was actually edible. While they ate they chatted and held hands across the table. It felt terribly romantic for Brett as he was definitely shocked as they both agreed to not do anything special but now Brett felt like he had to make it up to Eddy somehow. 

They had both finished now. Brett sat back in his chair, releasing his hand from Eddy's, and said:

"I thought you couldn't cook but that was surprisingly good."

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