pick me up please

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The move back to Brisbane was easier than both of them expected, they were still a little exhausted from the flight. They decided to delay filming any videos until tomorrow when they'd have more energy. And cuddling on the sofa instead sounded a lot better. 

Takeout had been ordered and eaten, plates had been cleared and washed up. All that was left to do was relax on the sofa and watch some TV. 

Eddy collapsed onto the sofa and opened his arms slightly so Brett could cuddle into him. Brett followed suit and rested against Eddy's body, he wrapped an arm around Eddy's waist and got comfortable. 

As the TV played in the background Eddy ran his fingers through Brett's messy hair. Brett could quite happily fall asleep there and then. 

Brett sat up a little and began to speak, his voice fairly quiet, "I think we sh-"

"Do you think I could pick you up?"



"You're probably strong enough so you might be able to. Although I don't like the idea of being dropped on my ass, so good luck trying to do that," he laughed. 

Eddy didn't reply and just smiled, Brett continued to speak.

Brett yawned a little, "So I was saying that we should go to bed now, I'm tired."

Brett gave Eddy a quick kiss on his lips and crawled over Eddy to get off the sofa. Eddy pulled him down and said:

"You can sleep here with me, it's comfy."

"Yeah but the bed's comfier, besides I'd actually like to sleep in my own bed," Brett said releasing himself from Eddy's grasp. 

Eddy turned off the TV and got up too and followed Brett upstairs to their bedroom, too tired to properly reply with anything. When he finally reached their actual bed for the first time in a few months he immediately collapsed onto it. 

"You're right. The bed is comfier."

"Exactly, now let's go to sleep."

Brett placed his glasses on the bedside table and got into bed next to Eddy. He kissed Eddy, who kissed him back. Brett said "Night" and settled in for the night. 

Eddy couldn't properly sleep, something prevented him from sleeping. He lead there, staring at the ceiling. Brett noticed this when he turned over and looked at Eddy's not sleeping face.

"Can't sleep?" he whispered.


"Come here," Brett replied, moving Eddy so he was cuddling into his chest. Brett ran his fingers through Eddy's hair slightly. "What's up?"

"I just need to know.." Eddy didn't finish his sentence.

"What is it? You can tell me," he kissed the top of Eddy's head, encouraging him.

"I need to know if I can pick you up."

Brett laughed a little, "That won't be happening anytime soon, but if it helps I'm pretty sure you could. You've got enough muscle," He joked.

"Mhm, okay.."

Eddy fell asleep, being cuddled in Brett's arms always made him go to sleep. He always liked being in Brett's arms, it was comforting. 


Morning came and Eddy woke up, still nicely wrapped in Brett's arms. He looked up, his eyes a bit dazed. Brett was awake, he usually woke up before Eddy anyways. He looked at Eddy's sleepy eyes and gave him a sweet smile.

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