Chapter Fifthteen- Misunderstanding?

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I looked at the doctor like he is crazy. How did I get two different results? He had to explain it to me twice for me to wrap my mind around everything.

So apparently the pee test came back negative and the blood test came back positive. Dr. Albert told me that there can be a false negative but not a false positive and that I am in fact pregnant. He told me to make another appointment for my ultrasound which I made for the next day to see how far along I am which me and him both agree that I am about 8 to 10 weeks.

After Dr. Albert explained everything I couldn't stop the smile that was on my face and I just can't stop touching my stomach I am going to have a baby. I am going to have Alexander's baby. I don't know how to tell him but what I do know is that I am not telling him over the phone. I head to CVS to fill my prenatal vitamin prescription. I decide to just wait for it because I am not going to feel like coming back over here. Waiting for the prescription my brother calls me and tells me that he is in the area and that we should have dinner. I told him just to come to my house and I would cook for him because we have to catch up.

I cooked chicken and broccoli pasta and baked some garlic bread because that is me and my brother favorite. I had even set up the table and was about to sit in the living room when the doorbell rung.

I loved my brother and was glad that he stopped by and we got to catch up. I didn't tell him I was pregnant because I wanted to tell Alex first. I walked him to the door and just hugged him because we both are always busy and I just wanted the comfort I could always get from him.

I could have sworn I seen Alex car driving down my street but he was out of town and he would have called or texted me telling me he was coming back. And speaking of him I need to tell him about the baby. He needs to hurry and get back. Its late my eyes playing tricks on me I need to go to bed because I have my ultrasound tomorrow.

I missed work yesterday and I did have a half a day today because I am going to see my baby. I called Alex a couple of times today and he didn't answer I even texted him but he haven't replied to me yet. I would have postponed the ultrasound until he came back.

I'm laying on the table with my shirt up a cool gel on my stomach and the doctor pressing a wand to it. I have tears in my eyes because I can see him or her and I heard the baby heartbeat which just really made the flood gates open even more. Mainly because I heard the baby heart and then because I wish Alexander was here with me.

I am eight weeks pregnant. I got pregnant in September and my due date is in June. The doctor printed me a couple of pictures and I even got a DVD of the whole ultrasound.

On the way home I called him again. Nothing. What the hell is going on with him? Maybe he is mad that I haven't been answering his calls but I got tired of him just asking me was I pregnant. I wanted more I thought he wanted more. I swear me and him need to work on our communication skills. And since I think he is ignoring me I am not going to go all out in telling him about the baby like I planned to do. I took a picture of the ultrasound and wrote in a text

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