Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

Rovers thundered over frozen rock at over two hundred miles per hour. Above and behind them, Explorers and fighters scanned for a sign of anything. A Thewlian pilot spotted a large opening in the side of an ice cliff and relayed the information through channels.

"I read metal deposits three klicks away."

"You think it's a ship?" Zakowski's voice erupted in O'Hara's earpiece.

"We'll see," the captain answered.

The crew of O'Hara's rover stared out over the glistening scenery. Crystalline formations of all shapes and colors reflected sparkles like spherical rainbows. Occasionally, an Explorer knocked out a Lokian, and the smoldering carcass careened into dusty ground. Then, communications blared over the channel.

"This is Admiral Yew. Men, we're under attack!"

"Under attack?" Nandy was shocked.

Intel regarding the approaching threat came through next, followed by orders for the ground crew to just keep surveying. O'Hara turned around in his seat to see Explorers closing in; a tight formation to ward off the coming threat. Fighters also zipped by, going in the opposite direction.

"Shit's about ta' get real," Marty said, rocking back and forth in his seat.

Swain leaned forwards while gripping the steering wheel. Peering through the force field, he saw glints of orange peppered the sky. Both air support and enemy vessels penetrated the thin veil of Sahagun.

Thirty Thewlian fighters from the survey squad were the first to meet the Lokians' second assault. They pulled up in an attempt to avoid an attack formation, but it came too quick and too high; even such a light atmospheric pressure was sufficient to delay evasive maneuvers. Red beams tore ships asunder, sending blazing remnants crashing into the ground. Puffs of ice wafted away, and chunks of stone careened over the rovers.

Thewls fired rounds of plasma while making an effort to fend off the assault. Red beams carved trenches, forcing rovers to a dead stop. Even with tracks, some still slid into the deep ravines. O'Hara's crew was jostled as the driver attempted to avoid an incoming laser.

They were all witness to damaged Lokians crashing into the frozen peaks in the distance. Flashes of light followed by rumbles of explosions echoed over the land. The driver told them to hold on. He hit the e-break, cut a tight ninety, and accelerated hard enough to send people into the windows.

Admiral Yew's voice blared over the speakers again, "Rovers! Find safety. Your mission is of the utmost importance. Do not engage the enemy!"

Cursing under their breaths, they found themselves overwhelmed by both the attack and a demand to avoid helping their compatriots. When a fleet of Lokians swooped overhead, raining red lightning over the ground crew, they hit their breaks again, and were immediately swarmed by brown and silvery insects the size of a home.

Swain whipped around while Martinez took the mounted cannon. "Don't fire!" someone yelled.

It was too late. Marty unleashed several bursts of plasma. Super heated light soared through the darkness, smacking one of the beetle-like ships.

"Whooo! Take that, ya' sons of bitches," he screamed as the recoil reverberated through his knotty arms.

"What did I just say?" Swain bellowed.

Marty looked befuddled; he scanned the eyes of the others in the rover. They all felt the same need to fight. Further chastising his subordinate, Swain cut right to avoid a divot, and sent his crew from their seats. No one said a word, but Marty kept his fingers locked around the cannon controls.

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