chp. 1

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December 22, 2013
Red Lips and Leather Jackets

Chapter one.

Camila regretted her actions immediately, staring fearfully into green eyes green and silently pleading the girl to disregard what had previously happened only moments ago.

This situation was nothing surprisingly new for the small Latina; she went through the exact same routine daily. Lauren would constantly push her around and embarrass her to the extent of causing Camila to snap.

Her actions which made Lauren to despise her so much continue to be unknown. She is completely baffled and oblivious to what made the girl to hate her as much as she does. From the moment the two had met Lauren had instantly began tormenting her, it becoming a natural thing to do for her.

Brown eyes delicately fluttered shut, attempting to distract herself from the plump red lips speaking threateningly to her.

Camila couldn't deny that she was attracted to the beauty stood before her and that is a reason as to why the teasing is as painful as it is to her. Lauren's signature red lipstick and black leather jacket draw in the innocent girl and make her somewhat intrigued to know if there is something about the badass nobody really knows about.

"Are you even listening?" Lauren's usual harsh but raspy voice triggers her to jump slightly and she reopened her eyes lazily.

"Y..yes Lauren." She stutters quietly in fear of possibly saying something wrong which could give her more trouble in the future. "Please... Pl-please leave m-me." Her begging is desperate and her brown eyes lace nothing but pleading to be released.

Lauren stares at the girl for a moment, considering the options she had.

1. She could let Camila go.

2. She could continue with tormenting her.

3. She could kiss her.

The third option was a definite no, Lauren utterly terrified of the growing feelings building inside her. Green eyes moved around the hallways to check if anybody was still wondering around the school.

"You got lucky this time Cabello." Lauren sneers at Camila and lets go of her shirt, allowing the trembling girl to be freed and hurriedly make her way to the doors.

"What the hell am I doing?" Camila hears Lauren mumble to herself as she runs out of the school and towards her sisters car, not wanting Lauren to change her mind. Once inside the car she releases a breath of relief and is able to properly calm herself down.

The older girl looks towards her younger sister with confusion. "What took you so long? I thought your school finished like half an hour ago?" Sierra asks her whilst pulling out of the car park, rolling her eyes when Camila ignores her and continues to blankly stare out right out of the window.

It didn't take long for them to arrive back at their place and Camila rushed inside before Sierra had chance to further question her. Mentioning what happened with Lauren would only anger the older girl and she didn't want to worry her sister with the problems she has when the girl already has much to deal with right now. Camila locked her bedroom door and pulled out her laptop from the draws beside her bed, a small smile grazing her lips when her eyes land on the number on her inbox has increased.

ssweet-dispositionn: school really sucks. I hate having to pretend all of the goddamn fucking time.

waake-meup: tell me about it. Maybe one day society won't be such a dick and force everybody to hide who they are.

Camila has been talking to this girl for a while now, almost three months and since then the two have become extremely close. This girl is everything that has been keeping Camila together through these past months and honestly, she is entirely intoxicated by the mystery held behind her.

She has never spoke to somebody to interesting and so complicated, it makes her believe that not everybody is so different from her after all.

ssweet-dispositionn: doubt it, life friggin sucks.

waake-meup: you're so negative.

ssweet-dispositionn: am not.

waake-meup: are too.

ssweet-dispositionn: whatever Karla.

Since her parents dying and moving to another city, Camila hadn't really talked to anybody much. However she can slowly feel herself opening up more and more to this girl, who she calls Megan since she has been told she looks similar to the sex goodness that is Megan Fox. Camila knows that it is risky to allow herself to become emotionally attached to this girl but she can't help herself from falling even further.

Possibly having a relationship with this girl is both exciting and scary for Camila, not knowing how she would capable of permitting herself to free her heart and the walls around it for her. It is terrifying for her, the thought of connecting her soul and heart fully to this other person being nothing but mysterious and wondering to her.

Is this girl going to end up being like everybody else? Will she escape when things become difficult or complicated? Will she slip from her life gradually after realising Camila isn't worthy of her affection?

Is she willing to sacrifice her heart for the tiny chances of finally finding somebody?

ssweet-dispositionn: ok I admit I am a little negative but only when I'm pissed.

Camila smiles; this girl is unquestionably worth the risk.
Filed under series AU update camila lauren submission red lips and leather jackets

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