chp. 4

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Chapter four.

ssweet-dispositionn: Ed or Demi?

waake-meup: you can't ask me that Megan, it's like asking a baby to choose between both of its parents.

ssweet-dispositionn: come on Karla just please answer the question.

waake-meup: fine...both.

ssweet-dispositionn: that's not allowed.

waake-meup: alright, I'm going to say Demi because she has helped me through more but that doesn't make me love Ed less.

"Camila! I'm going to the hospital with Sofia, are you sure that you are alright with staying here on your own?" Sierra interrupts Camila and the smile immediately vanishes from the teenagers face whilst in attempt to hide her blushing cheeks from her elder sister.

"I'm positive Sierra. I think Vero is coming over if she doesn't bail but if she does I'll just go for a walk or something." Camila dismisses the older girls worries and rolls her eyes when she notices the message from Vero as she moves to check her phone.

Veronica: babe I'm sorry, can you come to mine? Normani tricked me into throwing a party and I really wanna make out with you.

Camila: a party? Haha Vero you make me laugh.

Veronica: don't be a bitch. Please I want your lips.

Camila sighed heavily, the noise falling from her mouth whilst she shifted to search her wardrobe for her favourite party dress. Vero bought her it as a present, which explains why when she wears it all the boys practically fall to their knees. After tugging it on she lightly applies her make up and curls her hair loosely before slipping on her heels.

Partying fascinated Camila. She has never really understood what is so brilliant about drunken people, throwing up and basically giving everybody a live porn show. It actually sickened her to think about it, how disturbing and horrifying they are. She only goes to examine everybody, she finds it extremely amusing to watch everyone and to figure out what kind of drunk they are. After being to a bunch of Vero's parties previously she has the obvious people figured out.

Vero: sexual drunk (which honestly doesn't change even when she is sober.)

Lucy: weepy drunk that cries at everything.

Normani: stripper drunk.

Lauren (her personal favourite): brutally honest drunk, despite the consequences.

Witnessing these train-wreck disasters and how delusional they become has forced her into being terrified of even taking a slight sip of an alcoholic beverage.

The walk to Vero's place didn't take as long as she expected it to and she didn't know weather to just turn around to go home as soon as the blasting vibrations of the music echoes through her ears, her eyes trained on the couples making out in her front yard. Now that she is actually here all she wants to do is run back home and cuddle into her bed whilst exchanging messages with Megan. However Vero is running towards her excitedly before she has the time to do so.

"You came oh my fucking gosh you're the shit Camila Cabello!" Vero clumsily leads Camila inside and the smaller of the two can already see how drunk her friend is.

"You're an asshole for making me come you know? I just want to sleep." Camila mutters out when she is forcefully pressed against the wall of Vero's kitchen, her hands firmly pressed against her friends flat stomach.

"Shhh, quiet baby. Kiss time." Vero whispers and Camila gasps when she can taste the alcohol on her lips. Her hands tighten, her mouth craves for more of the girl.

Veronica teases Camila's lips with her tongue, laughing against her mouth when Camila growls at her. She decides that tonight isn't a game, she doesn't want to tease and and play. Her tongue eventually dips into the heavenly warmth of Camila's mouth, searching hungrily for the passion and heat needed to keep her satisfied.

Camila skilfully battles her tongue inside of the mouth attached to her own and loses herself in the moment, completely isolated from the party happening around her.

That is until she is being forcefully ripped away from Vero and being slapped across the face by an angry looking Lauren.

"What the fuck nerd. Why the hell are you here spreading your diseases with Vero?" Lauren asks and Camila can hear in her speech that she has had a few drinks, but not enough to make her entirely wasted.

"S-she...she told m-me t-to come." Camila replies back through a whimper, her hand painfully clutching her reddened cheek. Tears almost begin to brim the corners of her eyes but she pushes them away; Lauren doesn't deserve the satisfaction of her tears.

"Did she also tell you that you're a fucking stupid bitch that she only uses when nobody else is available for her?" Lauren smirks when she sees the anger appearing in Camila's brown eyes, happy to have received a reaction from the smaller girl.

Her plan wasn't to hit Camila, all she wanted to do was say a few things to get her pissed at Vero but the jealousy and hatred burned inside of her at the sight of the two kissing.

Lauren felt terrible, confusion clouding her mind because she doesn't understand why she should be as envious as she is and she doesn't understand why she can't get over her petty little crush on the brown eyed beauty. It would be easier for her, it would be easier for Camila too but it won't disappear.

"Yeah, it sucks to be a bitch. I bet you know all about that right Lauren?" Lauren stares at Camila's retreating body as she walks away from her, her green eyes trailing behind her with a mixture of shock and admiration.

"You have no idea." Lauren mumbles when the initial surprise of Camila standing up for herself without stuttering for the first time fades away. When Camila is out of her sight, she punches the wall angrily.

Maybe Camila is completely different to what she thinks? Maybe she doesn't know who exactly the real Camila is.

"Lauren what the fuck did you do?" Lauren turns around to be faced with blackness.

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