chapter three.

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It was Friday already. The two weeks that followed flew by faster than I thought. I haven't had heard from Joong ever since that day, but I didn't find enough courage to leave him a message first either. Trying to tell myself that I shouldn't wait for a message from that guy was useless, did I find myself looking at my phone, to be more specific at the chat I shared with Joong, more than once nonetheless. It was almost as if he'd disappeared, and I started doubting if he would even show up on our agreed date for him to move him. On a second thought he might just have been busy, so I decided to keep the faith- after-all I really didn't want to actively look for another roommate.

There was one thing that wouldn't stop bothering my mind even more than not hearing from him, though. In fact, it was almost even frightening. I would wake up two times in the middle of the night, my heart drumming uncontrollably against my ribs, as I still felt pitch black eyes burning through my skin. It left me with confusion, and I spent the rest of those two nights staring in the air. It really should frighten me, but instead I only felt adrenaline rushing through my veins, an unknown curiosity tingling beneath my skin. I really couldn't explain it.

Despite these 'nightmares', if I could call them that, nothing much had happened in the past two weeks. The meeting I had with Joss and the other guys from the faculty was mostly about welcoming the new guy that would have our Student ID. They planned it as some kind of welcoming party for the freshman, as other students from our faculty would participate too. The amount of people that would attend that party already made me feel uncomfortable, but with the whole faculty now included as well it would be unavoidable for it to get quite big. Maybe I could find an excuse to ditch that party, but most likely I probably won't. Luckily, at least it won't happen until in a month.

But right now, I should focus on tomorrow, the day Joong would move in. I managed to arrange the apartment to be suited for two people, and it wasn't as crammed as I thought it would be. A black, simple curtain now separated the former living room from the kitchen, sadly getting rid of the living room completely in the process. Fortunately there was still enough space left for a small dining table in front of the kitchen. If you played Tetris, one could probably fit a couch in here - but a table seemed to be more suitable and made it seem less crammed. It even fit three chairs, enough for inviting the few friends over I had.

The small window that lit up the room now hung there completely naked, a small flower decorating the windowsill - which was put there upon Earth's persuasion. He wouldn't keep silent about the room looking too dark and small with the window half closed by the curtains that had hung there before. And even though I was opposed to him making changes at first I had to admit that he was right; it really did make a difference and I was grateful that both he and Ben had come over to help me re-decorate my apartment. Earth proposed their help when we had met the other day, and I of course gladly accepted his offer. Fixing the curtain pole to the ceiling was an immense struggle and I wouldn't have succeeded if not for Ben's help. But even though I was grateful for their help, there was one thing from that evening that kept on bugging my mind.


With the oxygen escaping my lungs in short, exhausted breaths I threw my body on top of the mattress - one we got second hand from a neighbour who was about to just throw it away. We just successfully hung up the curtain, and I never thought that doing this would be so damn difficult. I was lucky that these two helped me. Mentioned just fell down beside me, with Earth laying more on Ben's body than the mattress itself. An annoyed sigh escaped my throat as I massaged my own hurting arms. "Joong seemed pretty tall, and we're doing this for him, couldn't you have called him?"

"Why me? Aren't you now in contact with him? You could have called him over yourself if you wanted his help." Earth's response came muffled, his voice almost sounding accusingly to me. He didn't even spare me one glance with his eyes closed and cuddling even closer to Ben. Ben on the other hand only laughed, while rubbing the back of his lover. Huffing I turned my head away, facing the ceiling. "But aren't you two friends?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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