Halloween Special!

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Heya guys! so I wrote this in my phone so it might be crappy, btw it will be short also. and! none if this happened in real life, like in their world it didn't happen..i hope you understand. If not, comment...
Plus read my New Jelena fanfic, it's called "Reconnected" thank you!

Selena's POV!

This year it will be terrifying! Perfect, brilliant and living hell. There will be blood here and there. Sexy people there. I will be a nurse, Justin a doctor, Demi a crazy patient, Vanessa will be another nurse. Carlos and Ryan will also be patients.

If only. This year we are not doing this We all had it planned but then Carlos changed it all. He had a plan in making this not creepy. Happy and cool. Not bloody and freaky.

Our apartment is quite big if I say so myself. Our next door neighbors, who just moved in a week ago are let's say, HORRIBLE! They are very disgusting and slutty. Show off way to much skin. And their friends are like that as well.

To finish it off.


I see two of them outside, Tara and Luke.

Tara has straight, blonde hair. Always showing off her but and boobs. We used to know a girl like that, her name was Yovanna(hint for later in the story...)

Luke has short brown hair and is so disgusting. He is always taking dirty with Tara. When they first moved in. They said to us we could switch for a night. Justin goes with Tara to have some "fun" and I go to Luke for "fun"

Thinking of that just gives me shivers. I will never do that to Justin. Hopefully Justin doesn't do that to me.

Every year we do an AMAZING haunted house. But this year we are so low, cause of Carlos.

"Haha. How cute." Luke cooed.

"What?" I ask backing away from the bunny in the front yard.

I'm living next to candy land." he laughs. I give him a glare. I take a look at their apartment. Wow. they are going in all out. Have so much blood and torture. Like bad blood.(Taylor's new song?😏)

"FYI this was all Carlos' idea. Usually every year we have a scary lawn." I say telling so he would be prepared for next year. He only chuckles.

"I seriously doubt it. This," he say pointing to the lawn. "Is fairy land." and finally going back in his apartment. I turn around quickly and see Vanessa in a very short dress and said she's getting coffee with a friend.

"Nope!" I stop her by yelling. She stops dead track.

"We are tearing all this down and making it scary Now let's go!" I yell and that's when Demi, Ryan, and Justin come out. Then I tell them my plan.


"Oh, there's Carlos." Demi says as she sees his car coming here. "You know he'll be like "What! No! What happened!" She says mimicking him. Carlos opens his car and slams it.

"What! No! What happened!" he screams. I set down the tool I had in my hand and try to calm him down. He runs his hand through his hair and is already sweating. Justin and I try to tell him everything. Which doesn't work.

He runs in the apartment and slams the door.

Great, he's now mad and sad. This is horrible. Speaking of horrible, Tara and Luke come out and see our yard. Shock is written all over them.

Out of nowhere Tara starts crying. Worry is coming in. Luke comforts her for a couple minutes and whispers things in her ear.

"You know you hurt me!" Tara cries. I'm surprised. I don't even know hat I did.

"You just ruin my favorite thing to me! You are very selfish! Ugh! You know I saw that you weren't happy about us moving in and all. But I thought we were actually becoming friends!" she yells and runs in their apartment. Justin is behind me looking at me suspiciously. Also confused, like me.

"Umm, she's sensitive when it comes to things like this. She ninth have been Cookoo land in Nevada but Let's say it was in Utah." he says quickly at the end. I feel so ashamed. What have I done? I hurt best friend and my neighbors feelings! I sigh.

Luke nods his head and walks back inside.

"Tear it down!" I yell.

Ryan and Justin drag Carlos outside. His cheeks are wet and his eyes are red and puffy. He looks up and his eyes widen. He sees evrything, the small bouncy house, fun and creative things all around. He squeals happily when he sees all the decorations.

"Thank you." he whispers when he hugs me at last. I smile big.

"You're welcome." I chuckle and we both pull away from our hug.

Carlos goes inside to out in his costume and eve though it's far from where we are at, I see kids walking with their parents. I hear two laughs behind me.

Luke and Tara are in slutty pirate suits. Disgusting.

"What?" I question and I see Justin come up to me.

"We played you!" Luke exclaims.

"What do you mean?" Justin asks.

"He means that we tricked you! I never went to place like that! Sure I've been to rehab a few times but it was paid vacation." Tara answers Justin's question.

"Now! Our house is the scariest house here in the neighborhood!" Luke shouts. I gasp.

"That's why! You wanted to win the contest!" I yell. Luke smirks and nods. I groan.

Justin's POV!

Wow, I can't believe they would do that! Okay, that's a lie, I'm not suprised. because they are them and I can believe that they would do such a thing.

"Okay listen close. I will turn that around next year and I will give you such a scare you won't see it coming! And your little friends will see stuff they thought they'll never see. Plus, I can give you a living nightmare!" Selena threatens and goes on even more. After a few minted she finally finishes and walks away. Luke slowly walk towards me and says,

"She's scary."

"You have no idea."

This is Halloween! You know it's Thriller! Happy Halloween! Have a grand day.

Question: What are/were you for Halloween?

My answer: I'm a nerd..BAM WHAT!

Published: October 31, 2014

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