Chapter 21

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it has been two months since i last updated and I'm so sorry for that! I was in a horrible writers block, hopefully this chapter is good enough for you loves bye😪😥😭
P.S.the beginning of the chapter is bad because I wrote it two months ago so...
Selena's POV!
Times Square, a place to give someone so many beautiful memories. The beautiful city lights, lighting up the place. Even though it can be crowded and loud, it's a beautiful place.

The girls and me are going sight seeing while the boys do what're they want. Of course, they are going to do something stupid. I wonder what they will do. They could go to a bar and get drunk. How? Well, they can make fake I.D's. That is what they do.

"Selena! Hurry up we're about to leave without you!!" Ariana scolds me and tries to rush me. I finish applying my lipstick and walk out of the bathroom.

"Finally! You take years!" Ariana groans exhaustedly. I roll my eyes at her reaction.

"Says the one who takes an hour an half to just do their hair!" I reply.

"You know it's hard to make it look this good." She says touching her hair and flipping it, bashing her eyes for fun. I laugh at her and pull her out the hallway. I see all the girls all dressed up and ready to have fun. This is going to be a good night.


"Where to first?" One asks.

"We already said, Statue Of Liberty." Ariana answers.

"No! That's too boring, why can't we go to the bar?" Vanessa asks.

"That's actually not a bad idea." Demi says while thinking.

"Um, no, that's a terrible idea, we're too young, we'll get caught." Sammy defends. You can tell this is about to be turned into a fight, and I don't want that. Vannesa scoffs and says,

"Hellooo? Fake I.Ds? Did everyone forget that?"

Then we all made the decision to go to the bar, I knew it's going to be the worst mistake we've ever made. And nobody's cares anymore.

We begin our way to the bar, wherever it is. Vanessa and Ariana have been here four times apparently and know the place by heart. Which I really doubt because we have already gotten lost, twice.

"FINALLY!" Ariana and Vanessa scream which makes me jump. They look both ways before running across the street, screaming happily. I playfully roll my eyes and the girls and I run across. When we arrive at the sidewalk, we are laughing out asses off. I don't know why, but it's okay because we are young and stupid. Everybody is going to be like us in point of their lives.

You could see and hear from a mile away all the lights and music and screams. The line was big, but it became even bigger the closer we got to the place. I played a cool face, b inside, I'm terrified. Vanessa giggles and jumps.

"Alright girls, let's go have some fun." She says and begins to walk. No one questions her but I'm pretty sure everyone is full of questions. I don't know how we are going to get in, there are about five security guards, and no, I'm not joking.

We follow Vanessa to the line, we were planing on going all the way to the back. Not in her mind. She goes to the security guard and then turns around. She motions us to come over there. Slowly, we do. When we arrive at her spot, the guard asks,

"I.D?" I gulp while Vanessa here has a calm face. She pulls out her wallet from her back pocket and does a few tricks with it. Finally, she takes out all of our "I.D's" and hands it to the man.

"Why do you have all of theirs?" The guard questions her.

"Yeah, why?" Sammy says looking at Vanessa with a glare.

"I wanted to sulfide them by going here, they didn't knew about is so I took theirs." Vanessa says smiling at the end.

"Why couldn't-" the guard begins but Vanessa cuts him off.

"Can we please go in now!" She exclaims a bit angry but calms down. The guys looks at the cards closely, eying them. He sighs and finally gives in.

"You may go."

What shocked me about this is that he let us in. And we were in the front of the line! Did he not notice us.

"Alright ladies, let's drink."


My vision becomes a little more blurry by the minute. I feel lose and finally free. I keep dancing to this amazing beat that is playing. A cool EDM guy with the name of Zedd. He plays incredible music. He actually looks really good looking, if I say so myself.

I don't know what I'm doing but I'm alright with is. The place is crowded of course but I'm still able to move from place to place. A girl is next to me dancing, I don't know who she is but she's an amazing dancer.

Because of my drunk ness, I grab her and pull her close to me. I could see she's little shocked at first, but she goes along with it.

"I'm sorry, I don't like girls." She whispers.

"Neither do I." I whisper back. She smirks and we finally keep on dancing. I have completely forgot about everything at the moment. I don't care about Nick, I don't care about Justin. I'm just glad I'm breaking out of my shell and finally having fun. A few guys dance around me but don't ever touch me. I'm happy with that, I'm not the girl is stupid enough to cheat on her boyfriend, and neither is Justin. So that's why I am not scared for me nor him.


"Justin?" I say my voice breaking, tears streaming down my face. He jumps up and sees me. His face is wide open asks,

"What's wrong?"

Is he that big of an idiot.

"You tell me." I say pointing at the girl sleeping next to him, naked.

"Please Selena listen to me-" He starts off but I cut him off.

"I hope you had fun. You slept with a girl and broke my heart." I start off as my voice keeps cracking. I wipe the tears away from my cheeks. "Now you can live happily ever after." I say leaving the room.

"Selena wait!" That's the last thing I heard before i slammed the door and left.

Ermygod, I don't know what's the heck happened, I felt like this is the worst chapter IN THE WORLD. Ugh, I want to die. Okay, so here's a chapter FINALLY! I'm so sorry I didn't update for like almost three months. I'm the worst I know. But I had time in class today so I wrote this. It's a horrible cheater I know, but I'm finally coming back into writing this story. Yeah!....*awkward* I'm sorry if you don't Like this chapter, cause I sure don't. But I guess it is what it is.
Anyway, please read my two new stories, ReConnected A Jelena Story and Infatuated With Her, a Louis Tomlinson Story.
Until next time,

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