Chapter 19

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Is it just me or are the Zedd and Selena rumors get more annoying?
Like they ruined Zedd for me....
Please read my new Jelena story it's called "Reconnected" thank you all💜
Selena's POV!

"All aboard!" Carlos shouts which grabs everybody's attention. Not to mention he's in the most odd position. He looks like a statue that's running, but the person has a broken leg. He pretends he is out of breath just standing there, acting like he is running.

I look around me and I see elderly people staring at him like he's a loon. FYI he is. The people keep looking at us oddly and make weird faces.

"He's fine, don't worry." I tell them. An old lady raises her eyebrow. She shakes it off and enters the boat. After she gets in all of us walk inside the boat.

The boat is almost packed so it was hard for us to find seats. We ended up to be seated all the way at the back of the boat, squished up against other people we don't know. It was disturbing and awkward.

"Hello pretty woman." I hear a voice beside me. I look to my right and I see a man who is about twenty five, he's looking at me with weird eyes, and sort of drooling. I have a disgusted face splattered all over me.

"Uh, what?" I ask stuttering.

"You heard me." He says, and starts caressing my arm. I snatch it away before he could do it more. "C'mon leave these idiots and let's go back to my hotel." He slurs. I am so disgusted, I don't have words. All I do is slap the guys face. The last thing I saw him do, before I turned around, was holding his face with his right hand.

"Are you okay?" Justin asks me. I nod my head smiling and lay my head on his shoulder. I feel him kiss my head and hold onto me tightly.

"I love you." He reminds me, which makes me smile big.

"I love you too." I say back. I keep my head resting on his shoulder and close my eyes.

I don't know how I ever got so lucky. My childhood wasn't the best, I didn't have good experiences. But ever since I moved here, it's been so different.

I can trust people.

I can trust Demi, Ariana, Sammy, Ashley, Vanessa, Victoria, Ryan, Carlos, and most importantly, I can trust Justin. He keeps me sad and protected. He makes me feel like nobody else has made me feel. He makes my stomach do backflips everything he kisses me, or looks at me.


"Selena Marie." I hear Justin say behind me. I give him a confused look.

"What?!" I ask laughing.

"What? I can't call you that?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

"I guess, but it makes me sound like I'm Hazel Grace and your Augustus." I tell him chuckling.

"Fine, I'll be your Augustus Waters." He says smirking.

"Well yeah, but don't-" I start but someone cuts me off.

"La la la la, quit your chit chat! We're here!" Vanessa says covering her ears but then pull the, back down. I look away from Justin and immediately stop walking.

I've seen pictures on magazines, and the Internet. It looked stunning. But it's even better in person. The city lights laughing up the city, the sounds of busy cars, horse carriages, those couples on there, laughing. Kissing, having a great time. Like what me and Justin have. I have never been happier in my life, well when Gracie was born, that was a big deal to me.

Time Square is so beautiful, it leaves me speechless.

"What do you think?" I hear Demi say behind me. I sigh.

"It's breathaking." I tell her. She nods her head agreeing with me. I feel an arm whap around my neck. I turn my head left and see Carlos there, looking at the view.

"Breathe it all in, Selena, this is the life." he smiles and walks over to the guys.

I join in, in the conversation the girls were talking about. Saying they are going to go shopping and all that.

In all my life, I never knew I would go to New York. It was one heck of a suprise, I'll tell you that. I;m glad to have amazing freinds around me, to keep me safe. They made me feel welcome the first day I arrived to California. That's how amazing they are.

Kind of boring, sorry. I know this sucked. It'll get better don't worry. The next chapter is going to be cute.

You guys have no idea how much I laughed at those comments like I was about to explode and I was in school and yeah....
Also a shout out to a crazy woman I know Grace_0126 she's weird but awesome. Read her story, it rocks! READ IT!
Love you all,


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