Chapter 4 : Tired

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Chapter 4

A few days later...    

Nick POV

I got back from my job at the Lima Bean. I had a bunch of homework to do before class tomorrow. And it was already 11:00 at night. I just want to go to bed.

I changed into my pjs so I could at least be somewhat comfy.

I opened my math textbook and started looking over what I had to do for my homework. I honestly wasn't too sure what was going on because I was nearly asleep in my math class today. I totally didn't pay attention.

Since I thought Trent and David might still be awake, I decided to go knock on their door. It was right across the hall from my room. It's times like these I wish I had a roommate so I could just ask them instead.

I knocked on their door, and David answered.

"Hey. I know it's late, but I have no idea what's going on with my math homework. I was hoping you could help me," I said.

"Trent and I are about to go to sleep, but I can give you my homework and you can try to understand it if you want."

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks."

David gave me his math homework.

"Thanks, I'll give it back during breakfast tomorrow."

"Sounds good. Good luck."

"Thanks. Goodnight."

"Night, Nick."

I went back to my room and looked at the homework again. I still wasn't sure what was going on, so I just copied David's answers because I really didn't feel like learning it.

I had some history homework to do, but that was pretty quick since the answers were in my textbook. The homework was basically just to prove I read the chapter.

I shoved my books in my backpack, turned off my light, and collapsed on my bed. I'm exhausted.

And then my phone started ringing.

I groaned and found my phone. It was Jeff, so I knew I had to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked.


I could tell he was crying.

"Jeff, what's wrong?"

"I-I can't d-do school a-anymore."

"Why not? Did something happen?"

"I j-just c-can't!"

"Ok. Take some deep breaths and calm down, ok Jeff?"

I could hear him sniffling.

"Jeff, tomorrow is Friday. Less than 24 hours and then you get to see me. And then we'll figure something out. Ok?"


"Are you going to be ok?"


"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"


"Alright. Night, Jeff."


I hung up and sighed. I'm just going to go to sleep and think about all of this tomorrow.


Jeff POV

"Jeff, wake up. Time for school," Nick's mom said, shaking me gently.

I had slept in Nick's bed last night. As soon as I thought about going to school, tears started forming in my eyes.

"What's wrong, Jeff?"

"I don't feel good," I whimpered.

"What's wrong?"

"My tummy hurts."

"Ok. Just rest, Jeff. I'll go get you some medicine."

She left. I curled up under the covers, still crying. I just can't bring myself to go to school today.

She came back with some medicine and I took it.

"I'll come check on you in a little while, ok Jeff?"

I nodded. She wiped the tears off my cheeks and tucked me back into Nick's bed. I felt so relieved that I didn't have to go to school today.

And I wasn't even lying about my stomach. Just thinking about going to school makes it hurt.

I closed my eyes and decided to get some more sleep. I'm still super tired.


Nick POV

"He's been in your bed all day. When I woke him up for school, he was crying and said his tummy hurt. So he's just been resting all day," mom said.

We were on our way home, and I couldn't wait to see Jeff and find out what's been going on. I wasn't surprised he missed school today. He didn't sound good last night.

When we got home, I went straight to my room and found Jeff under my blankets.

"Hey. Are you doing ok?" I asked.

He scooched over, so I sat down in my bed beside him.

"No," he said, starting to cry.

"Aw, Jeff. What's wrong?" I asked.

I put my arm around him tight. He cried into my shoulder.

"I don't want to go to school! I want to go with you!"

"Aw, I know, Jeff. I worked a lot this week to save up more money."

"I can't wait until you make enough. I can't do it anymore!"

"Ok. I'll talk to my parents, ok? Just calm down."

I laid down and just pulled Jeff into my arms.

"How about we take a nap and just relax until dinner, ok?" I asked.


I pulled the covers over us. And I fell asleep quickly since I was so tired from working and doing homework really late at night.

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