Video Recording 1

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The following describes the details of a video recording taken by Lab Member 007 on July 20th, 12:54 PM in Akihabara City. 

*A sidewalk in the blistering heat. Two people can be seen walking ahead of the camera.*

--"-nish soon. Few things left to do, then finally we're done."

--"Mmm, But Mayushii still thinks you should rest a bit more. Working all day on rebuilding the lab makes you too tired to do anything else."

--"Mayuri, Mayuri... who do you think you're talking to? Have you forgotten? A mad scientist needs only the bare essentials to keep going strong. Strenuous work is hardly a problem for me.

*A voice behind the camera can be heard.*

--"Nya-ha-ha! You say that... but who was the one groaning all nyight that his arms hurts and his legs are too weak to walk anymore?

*Both Mayuri and Okabe turn to face the camera.*

--"Silence fool! You dare make fun of your leader? Me? Discipline! You need discipline, I tell you!"

--"Hm? Faris-chan, are you recording right now?"

--"That's right nya! I figured, with Kyouma-kun making a journal and all, I should also document our daily activities for it."

*The camera spins around frantically across the city before staying in focus again.*

--"Hmph, I expected no less from the wielder of the all-powerful "Arm of Avalon". I had hoped to see such diligence from other lab members as well... and yet..."

--"Is Daru-kun still refusing to help out?" 

--"Indeed so, Mayuri. But fret not, I shall have him up and about fixing the lab in no time!"

--"Nya? Didn't he smash both his thumbs trying to hammer a nail the first time he came?"

--"A simple slip-up. Even a super-duper hacker like himself isn't perfect after all."

--"That reminds me, Okarin. We still haven't paid back Mr.Braun after Daru-kun sat down and broke the drill he lent us."

--"I'm working on it! I am! Dealings are still in progress and so far everything is going smoothly."

--"Nye-he-he, did he already apologized to the other workers there for screaming "ARGHH THIS JOB IS ONLY GOOD FOR MONKEYS WHO CAN'T DO ANYTHING ELSE!" or is that one also in progress?"

--"I already apologized for him! As the leader and founder of the lab, I hold accountable for any and all ill-remarks said by any of my lab members!

--"Suddenly Mayuri thinks having Daru-kun there isn't such a good idea after all."

--"And yet, he has too. All lab members need to be present and contribute to the reconstruction of the lab otherwise you just bring shame to the title of "Lab Member".

*The scene then changes to a stretch of road, cars moving from both directions. In the front, big white rectangular lines painted on the road leads to a civilian stoplight, glowing red.*

--"Talking about rebuilding the lab is giving Mayushii some bad feelings again..."

--"Mayuri... it's okay. You weren't there when it happened, you're just making it out to be worse than it actually was."

--"Mayushii knows. But the way the lab looked... and how you were there... it's hard to not think about it."

--"Nyaa... I get where Mayuri's coming from. I could hear the explosion all the way from the cafe."

--"Hush, hush, girls. It's not even worth a thought. As you can plainly see, your leader is fine and well. Speaking of which... Umm, Mayuri... did you tell... her?"

--"Huh? Who?"

"You know... her! The girl! That woman, the wom - lab member 004."

--"Ah, Kurisu-chan? Of course, Mayushii told her about it. She needed to know, after all. She's a lab member. Kurisu-chan was very shocked and upset when Mayushii first told her."

--"And... did you tell her about me?"

--"Hmm? Mayushii won't do that. Mayushii knows it's something you'd rather tell Kurisu-chan yourself."

--"Heh, thanks Mayuri. Oh, and Faris..."


*The camera turns to the direction of Okabe. The right half of his face disfigured, covered with red blistering scars. Missing an eyebrow with the skin in a pattern of welts. One ear shriveled, half-blacken. A deformed half-smile as his expression.*

--"Mind not showing her the video you're making now? I know you talk to her sometimes online too."

--"Nya, that goes without saying! This is a top-secret recording for the lab, something like this will never be shown online."


*End of recording*

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