Log Entry 5

70 4 12

Log Entry 5, July 22nd, 12:00 PM - Lab Member 001

Greetings, greetings one and all. I wish you well this fine, fine afternoon we're having today. Once again, Hououin Kyouma here to grace you all with my presence.

Procedures first. Nothing else comes in between.

Let's see. It is July 22nd on a Tuesday, 12:00 PM JST. 

I am pleased to declare that The Joint Scientific Documentation Of Everyday Life Version 1 has been a resounding success. Although, I have noticed not many have given their all, given the length of some of these entries, regardless... an entry is an entry and this has been a success.

Yes. Good job Kyouma, good job. Pat yourself on the back, job well done! You've met expectations, no, you've surpassed it! The agency is proud of you. Keep it up!

Oh please... it was nothing, everyone. You put your mind to anything, and it'll get done no matter what. All I did was give everyone a little push in the right direction, no big deal.

Of course, I'm a man of my word. Their presents have been returned to them, no harm done, big initiative on Lab Member 007's part for returning it to them early. Props to her, I guess.

Now onwards to greener pastures, everyone. It is time for the next big thing. And you know what? I believe I have stumbled upon something great. A treasure trove of the intellectual kind. Oh-ho-ho.

Everyone, fellow men and women of science, let me ask you something: Do you think of me as a good person?

Obviously the answer is yes. But for today... just for today... it's a resounding "N-O"

Why is that, I hear you ask? Well, let me give you an exact re-enact of what had just transpired prior to this log entry.


("Oh look here. It's me, Hououin Kyouma doing what Hououin Kyouma does best and nothing but the best. Browsing the depths of the internet for latest and greatest scientific discoveries."

*Click* "Oh, is that a live stream I see?" *Click* "Oh-ho-ho, is that Makise Kurisu's live stream I see? A live scientific lecture in front of thousands of viewers... yet no word of this to your leader?"

*Click* "How strange... my lab assistant should know better than to not mention something so important to me. I wonder... Oh, I know! Maybe I should just ask her myself? The chat function is right there, and she's answering questions from it no problem at all. I'm sure she won't mind if I drop by, right?")

And that, fellow men and women of science, is why I deem myself just for today - a very devious person. Care to join me as I have a lovely chat with my assistant?  

I'm sure you would. 

Time to get started!






Log Entry 5, July 22nd, 12:00 PM - Lab Member 001

Greetings, greetings one and all. I wish you well this fine, fine afternoon we're having today. Once again, Hououin Kyouma here to grace you all with my presence.

Procedures first. Nothing else comes in between.

Let's see. It is July 22nd on a Tuesday, 12:00 PM JST.

A Scientific Thesis of the Trials and Tribulations of the Council of Lab MembersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant