Log Entry 7

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Log Entry 7, July 25th, 5:25 AM - Lab Member 004

How do I even begin?

Dozens of theses and articles published, yet some silly little entry for some silly little journal is the one that gets you stumped?

Splendid work, me. You just spent 40 minutes staring at a blank page with your hands barely moving on the keyboard.

Whatever, I don't care anymore. I'll just write whatever comes to my head. Why am I even putting in so much effort for him, that lunatic? Just write what comes to my mind, just do that.

He can't complain anyway, I did write something after all.

Welp, here I am once more, back in Japan. It's been a tiring and exhausting journey, the plane ride never gets better... so cramped. Next time - I'm riding business class.

The landing wasn't any better. I took almost an hour just finding my luggage. Apparently someone else mistook my bag for his and almost ran off with it. I thank my lucky stars I bumped into him before he did so, otherwise, I'd be in a real pinch here.

Well, in any case. I arrived here earlier than scheduled. So it wouldn't have interfered with anything in the long run.

I didn't tell anybody I'm already in Japan six hours earlier than planned. I'd like to keep it a surprise.

Knowing them, I'm sure they've already made plans to wait for my arrival at the airport.

Well unfortunate news to everyone, I have already arrived and checked in at the hotel in the wee hours of the morning. So sorry for ruining your plans.

I'm so exhausted and yet I can't even relax for a second. My schedule is packed to the brim with lectures for college seminars - arghh why did I even agree to do so much?!?! Something must be seriously wrong with me to agree to it.

I blame Maho-senpai for not talking me out of it. Why didn't you stop me when I was showing off to all the other lab members about all the offers I received?! I was just trying to look cool in front of them! Couldn't you tell?! Now I actually have to go through with it! Ahhhh... I'm so tired!

Even now, I'm still writing up notes for the lectures. Will I even have time to visit the lab later?

Oh... The lab... right, that explosion a few months back. The lab must still be in the middle of its renovation. In all the excitement, I completely forgot what happened.

Looks like we aren't meeting there anymore for the remainder of my stay. Maybe I'll swing on by right before one of my lectures to assess the damage.

I never really got the full extent of the situation. Everyone's been strangely mute about it. Even Mayuri. They did say no one was there when it happened, but more and more I find myself wondering... is that really the case?

How could there be an explosion if no one was there to cause it? Once I finally meet up with the others, once I finally get to see them, I'm coming with a lot of questions and they better have answers... He better have answers.

Speaking of which, can't forget to bring him his gift. Not like that dummy deserves one anyway but nevertheless I'll never hear the end of it if I show up empty-handed in front of him, especially since the others already got theirs. 

Still... will he even appreciate it? I can already imagine him laughing it off and saying "Such trivial commodities of the mundane need not disgrace my eminence. Mwahahaha!" or something like that. 

Oh, man... I can actually picture him doing that. I take it back, maybe I won't give it to him after all. Save us both the embarrassment. 

But I already brought it with me though... can't just let it go to waste. At the same time though, will he even use it?

Do I give it to him?

Do I not?!

What do I do with it?!?!


I'm going to go finish my notes, I don't need this kind of stress so early in the morning.

Damn it, Okabe. Even when you're not here, you're still giving me so much trouble.

How do you even do that?!

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