A bit to gay

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Hi 🤠
~Kirishima POV~
I have been hanging around this 11th grader for awhile now. His name is Katsuki Bakugo .I have grown a crush on him and I got it bad. He's just so perfect. I want to be his and I want him to be mine. But I'm just a ugly 9th grader, he'll never love me.
"Eijiro get down here before you miss the bus!" My mom yelled. I was wearing one of Bakugo's old skull shirts but I cut it so it was a crop top. My mom is homophobic so if she saw me wearing it I would be killed. So I put on a sweatshirt on. Once I get to school I'm taking off this stupid sweatshirt. I ran downstairs and got my  shoes on.
"Bye mom!" I looked at her and she said nothing. I walked to the bus stop. I took off the sweatshirt and put it in my book bag. The bus soon pulled up to my stop. The doors open and I walked inside.
"Yo babe over here!" I heard Bakugo's voice at the back of the bus. I sat down next to him. Also why did he call me babe? "Wow you look really cute Eijiro." He said smirking at me. Katsuki put his arm around my small waist.
"Thanks Katsuki." Im blushing like crazy and my heart is racing.
"Hey do you want to hang at my house for a bit after school."
"Yeah s-sure!" Oh my god I'm going over his house. I'm gonna steal one of his hoodies.
"Also don't you think you cut my shirt a bit to short?" Probably but I look really gay so I don't care.
"I mean yeah but as long as you think I look cute I don't care." At this point we are just flirting with each other. It was great.
"Hey are you and him dating!?" Some girl asked me. How am I supposed to answer that!?
"Not yet but that's gonna change soon." Katsuki said interrupting me. My face was heating up. Did he really just say that?
~time skip: after school~
I'm honestly kinda scared and excited to go to Katsuki's house my soon to be boyfriend so he says. We soon made it to Katsuki's stop. Once off the bus he took my hand and we started to walk to his house. His bus stop wasn't very close to his house so we had a little bit of walking to do. 

"You know I love you right." Kat said bluntly. My face heated up once again.

"I-I love y-you to." I felt soft lips touch mine. Wait was Katsuki Bakugo kissing ME!? I soon melted into the kiss. 

"YOU TWO STOP MAKING OUT IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE YA GAY FUCKS!!!" Kat separates his lips from mine and glares at the old woman on her front porch.Little explosions set off in Bakugo's hands. I want to cry. My breathing started to pickup. 

"Come on Ei." He took me by the hand after flipping off the old woman. "Sorry about that." Tears started to fall from my eyes. 

"I'm sorry I'm such I cry baby." I wiped away my tears. I felt strong arms rap around my small waist. Bakugo was hugging me. 

~time skip: at Baku's house brought to you by my laziness~

Me and My new boyfriend were cuddling on his bed watching a movie. Kat had just introduced me to his parents and they really like me a/n who wouldn't. I soon started to doze off in Katsuki's arms.

"I love you Katsuki." 

" I love you to." He leaned down and gently kissed me on the lips. Not long after that I fell asleep.


This was supposed to be longer and have a different title. Like this was to get to a point where Bakugo was yelling at Kiri he shouldn't be ashamed of himself so it was originally tilted You Shouldn't Be Ashamed but I got lazy so I made it shorter. 

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