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Kirishima is a girl uh yeah enjoy the chapter
~No ones POV~
Today all of the 1A students were going to the beach.  It was Yaoyorozu's idea to meet at the beach a 12pm. Kirishima and Bakugo were getting ready to leave.
~Kirishima POV~
I looked in the mirror to see a not very attractive girl in a bikini. Why am I wearing this? Why am I even going? I walked out of the bathroom so I wouldn't have to look at myself anymore.
"Hey Kat do I look ok?" I asked.
"Yeah babe you always look great." He walked over to me and lightly kissed me on the lips. A small blush spread across my cheeks."You know Mineta is gonna be there right?" Oh yeah that's gonna suck. He's such a perv, I just exist and he's flirting with me and trying to touch me. He even knows that im dating Bakugo!
"Yeah, can you please stay with me so nothing happens?" He smiled and nodded.
"Oh course."
~time skip: at the beach~
We had just made it to the beach, we were the last one's to get there. I didn't really mind but Katsuki did I don't really know why. Ashido ran up to me and put her arm around me.
"Hey girl looking cute!!" She yelled.
"Ya got that right." I felt someone slap my ass which sent a chill up my spine. I thought it was Kami or Mineta but it was just Katsuki." You wanna go in the water?" Kat asked me. I nodded. Ashido followed us. The waves were kind of ruff but it wasn't that bad. The waves were pushing me up against my blonde boyfriend. We were both blushing like crazy.
"I wish  Miss.Kirishima would do that with me." Mineta said drooling. What the hell is wrong with him, Suki is right here.
"Back the fuck off!!" Katsuki yelled flipping off Mineta. Kat picked me up and walked father into the water." He's got some serious issues, HE DID THAT RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!" I felt something brush against my leg.
"AHHH!" I shrieked. I jumped up and rapped my legs around Katsuki.
"Eijiro its seaweed."He said. My face turned red out of embarrassment. The blonde started laughing. He kissed me on the cheek and started to walk back to the beach. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend!
I hope you all know that all of these aren't edited so if there is any mistakes don't @ me I'm stupid.
Also if u have any requests for a chapter or want another part to a chapter just tell me in the comments
Thx bye :>

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