Magical Healing

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You felt awful. Your sweet boyfriend Pj had planned a lovely date for the two of you. Pj was going to treat you to Icecream and a relaxing afternoon on one of Brighton's scenic beaches. However, because you had awful luck, you'd gotten very sick. Sore throat, pounding head, and aching limbs. You felt so bad that'd you had to cancel with Pj, but you honestly couldn't function.

You had been watching 'The Office' all day, sniffling and moaning. You wished you could be out in the sunlight, cuddling in Pj's arms.

A series of knocks sounded through the flat. You grinned slightly, You knew that knock. At the beginning of your relationship, Pj and you had made up your own knock. Though long ago the two of you had exchanged apartment keys, you still did the secret knock.

"I heard a mighty Enchantress had fallen gravely ill," Pj sauntered into the room. He was wearing his Link hat, and a long black trench coat, giving him a rather odd look.

"Hi," your voice was annoyingly scratchy.

"My Lady Y/N," his eyes widened as if you were covered in smallpox. He rushed to your side, clasping your face in his hands, as you grinned.

"Oh dear, she feels as hot as the lava In Mount Destruction!" He said making up an imaginary volcano, and you were giggling now.

"The only way to fix her is with this special potion," he pulled out a container of chicken soup. "All the way from the forest of the dreaded fox demons."

"Oh thank you kindly, knight," he winced slightly at your hoarse voice.

"Seems the infection is worse than anyone anticipated," he said, the worry in his voice was slightly authentic now.

"We must add the healing crystals," he nodded to himself. He sprinkled salt and spices into the soup and handed it to you.

"Thank you, kind sir," you smiled weakly. He placed a hand on your forehead feeling for a fever. The soup was comforting and warm.

You looked up onto Pj's bright green eyes. He was so sweet. He knew you loved fantasy just like him. Though you were ill he had still managed to make this day magical.

"Looks like Lady Y/N isn't completely herself yet," Pj said.

"Peej I'm-" you began when Pj leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. It was a quick, but extremely loving kiss, that filled you with more warmth than the soup.

"Healing kiss!" He said triumphantly as you laughed.

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