Depressed Day

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I'd been diagnosed with depression at 14, and although it had been getting better lately, some days were still hard. Today was one of those days. All I wanted to do was stay in bed.

It was a three day weekend, and I hadn't washed my hair, hadn't eaten, or done much of anything. I felt so guilty that I was using my time off being sad, but I couldn't help it. Work definitely stressed me out, but at least it was a distraction and kept me on a schedule.

"Hey," I heard a voice say, and I practically jumped out of my skin.

"Pj?" I squeaked. "How'd you get in?"

"Your flat door was open," Pj shrugged.

I realized I must've been so exhausted on Friday that I'd forgotten to lock it. That was a scary thought.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to casually cover my face in blankets. I didn't look good, and I didn't really want Pj to see me.

Pj and I had only just started dating. It was going well, and while he knew about my depression, I didn't like to bother him with it. I felt like it was too early in the relationship to unload all that on him.

"You haven't texted me all weekend," he pouted.

"Oh, uh," I couldn't think of an excuse.

"I think I know why too," Pj said, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Why?" I asked diving under the covers. Pj rolled his eyes.

"Because," Pj began, trying to wrestle the covers from off my face.

"You feel depressed," he finally wrenched the blanket away. I was several inches away from his face. He kissed my nose.

"Come on, get up," Pj demanded, pulling on my arms.

"Whyyyyyy," I whined.

"Because I'm your boyfriend, and I care about you. I'm not gonna let you go through this alone," Pj said.

"So you're gonna get a shower, and some food, and you'll feel much better," Pj told me.

He was right. After a shower and some delicious lunch that Pj made himself, I felt way better.

"Thank you for that," I sighed, as I leaned into Pj.

"Don't you feel a lot better?" He asked.

"Yes, but still sad, but I don't really know why," I said.

"Well, we can talk about it if you want, but we don't have to," Pj said kissing my temple.

"I do, but then can we do something silly and fun?" I asked.

"Anything for you," Pj smiled. "What do you wanna do?"

"I just got karaoke for the wii," I suggested.

"Oh, it is on! After we talk of course," Pj said.

I laughed. I realized it was the first time I'd laughed all weekend. I was so glad I had Pj around. Of course, he couldn't fix my depression, but he sure did make me feel better.

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