Harry Potter AU Kickthepj

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I felt irritated beyond belief. I was trying to paint for my Wizarding Art class. I liked quiet for my art, but so many people were out today. Since it was warm it seemed like the whole school was outside making unbelievable noise.

I couldn't go to the library, Madam Pince didn't want to paint around her precious books. I guess I understood her point, but there really wasn't anywhere else to go. I'd tried to use an empty classroom, but that Gryffindor Prefect Percy Weasley had taken ten points from Hufflepuff for misuse of a classroom, and my house was already suffering in points.

"Hey," a boy I vaguely knew sidled up to me. His beanie was blue and bronze so I knew he was a Ravenclaw.

"Hello," I said, a bit more harshly then I'd intended to sound.

"Do you by chance take Wizarding Art?" He asked.

"Yes," I said, trying to remember if I'd seen him in class before. Then I remembered he was a Ravenclaw, and my class, Hufflepuff, took Wizarding Art with the Gryffindors.

"I'm Pj, by the way," his grin was infectious. His strong jaw, adorably curly hair and luminous green eyes made him very pleasant to look at.

"I'm Y/N, is there something you want?" I asked.

"I know a place you can do your art in peace," he whispered, eyes sparkling like he was handing me a piece of treasure, which he was.

"You do?" I asked.

"Come with me," he put his hand out. I grabbed my art bag, which I'd been grumpily packing, and took his hand.

He began to run, and I did too. We zoomed through the castle halls, laughing. How did a stranger put me at so much ease?

"Here!" He stopped in front of a bare wall.

"It's a wall," I said lamely.

"Not quite," He beamed.

He walked past the wall three times, looking very serious. Suddenly a door appeared out of nowhere. Pj took my hand again and led me inside.

The room was filled to the brim with everything an artist could need. Easels, paper, pallets, paints, pencils, brushes.

"This is amazing," I said in awe.

"I know," Pj said, hands on his hips. Surveying this treasure.

"How did you find it, how will I get in?" I asked.

Pj explained thoroughly about the Room of Requirement. I was always amazed by the castle.

We spent hours in pleasant conversation and working on our pieces. Our wand waved delicately.

"This is amazing," I said happily.

"Yeah, I really like painting with you," he smiled.

"Me too," I answered.

"We should do it more often," he said.

"It's a date," I winked, and Pj beamed.

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