IKEA; the end

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There was a considerable amount of trying to break the walls down. A6d attempted to break the walls with his hammer, but it was no use. Techno and Bad tried to make some damage with their swords, but it was also no use. At one point A6d and Dream grabbed Spifey and threw him hard on the wall with hopes that it will make a hole or a crack or something.
Whatever they had to do they'd better make it fast. You'd think the fire wouldn't alter this other reality that is IKEA headquarters, but if it breaks the entrance or exit of the shortcuts inside the store, then they wouldn't be able to get out.

skeppy: oH mY gOd tHiS IS SO ANNOYING

bbh: aaaA we're never going to get out of here, we're going to starve!!! ;--;

a6d: i still have baguettes

bbh: but eventually we'll run out of baguettes, and the what!!!!! ;----;

Technoblade: I suggest cannibalism is the best second option.

bbh: wHat nO >:(

skeppy: aren't there any shortcuts around here????

dream: not rlly

Technoblade: Even if there were I'm not getting inside one of those.

spifey: yah they're annoying to deal with when you're not an IKEA worker

bbh: hmmmmmmmm we've tried damaging the walls but it's no use............. so maybe we should try breaking the roof!!!! :D

skeppy: how did u even come to that conclusion

bbh: i thought it made sense!!! cuz u know, it's like a box!!!

dream: tbh that doesn't sound too farfetched for IKEA

skeppy: ok now figure out how will we even reach the roof with ur 10000 IQ oh wait a second wE CANT CAN WE

spifey: skeppy u need to calm down

skeppy: I AM CALM


As Spifey and Skeppy were arguing, Bad grabbed his sword and yeeted it vertically to the roof; it shot rapidly upwards and stabbed the roof, making it crack a bit, but the sword was now stuck there.

Technoblade: Huh. It actually worked.

bbh: see, i told you!!!! the sword is stuck up there now, though.

a6d: let's keep throwing stuff up there until it breaks

dream: i suggest we throw spifey again but this time to the roof

a6d: i second that idea

spifey: plz don't

Technoblade: I reckon that a couple more hits will break the roof completely. Do you guys have anything else to throw at it? I have a sword I could use.

a6d: i have my hammer

skeppy: both me and dream and spifey have our IKEA exclusive merch swords, so that'll probably work

And so the group proceeded to throw anything at their disposal to the roof. It took only four more hits to shatter the roof completely, causing Bad's sword fall down to the ground; thankfully, it didn't hit anyone.

bbh: we've done it!!! :D

skeppy: ok now how do we get up there

bbh: uuuuuuuh we climb?????? :0

spifey: are the walls even climbable?????????

skeppy: of course they aren't, they're smooth white walls i don't think we could even-

skeppy badboyhalo and a6d go to IKEA Where stories live. Discover now