~Chapter two~

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I genuinely forgot I did this lmao I'll start it again and I'll update regularly if you guys want~~~

   "Gio if you don't shut up I swear I'll beat your ass-"
"GIO" I roll my eyes "Listen she'll love you I promise." I hold my skinny pinky out towards his slightly chubby one. He wraps his caramel pinky around my chocolate one.
"But, I'm just so scared king, omg what if she thinks I'm too loud omg..what if she just doesn't think I'm attractive omg omg well never mind that I'm kinda hot, I'm hot aren't I king?" I sigh and crack a slight smile at my best friend.
"The absolute hottest" he beams, his mouth opening to broadcast his slightly yellow teeth, "he should go to the dentist more often."
"Oh god oh god we are actually here king ,what will your dad think? KING WHAT IF WE GET SEPARATED OH MY THE AGONY-OUCH- what was that for?" he pouts his thick pink lips and rubs his head that I just smacked.
"Just shut up! Just be cool, calm and, collected. I swallow down the bile rising in my throat. Giovanni's tiny hand starts prodding at my clenched one, his eyes soften and he grabs my equally tiny hand
"Hey, King you're gonna be just fine your dom will adore you!! I promise she's gonna do everything for you kay she's gonna get you eve-
"Shhh" I clench his hand as the giant man walks into the class room.
"Hello Submissives, I am John and I'll
be assigning you to your doms if you can all have a seat that would be greatly appreciated" almost immediately every person in the room dropped down onto the uncomfortable blue plastic chairs.
"When I call your name I want you to grab the number I assign you" he motions to the small signs with numbers ranging from 1-50 on them. I bite my lip and hold on impossibly tight to Gios hand. He glances at me and returns my squeeze. "Remaro number 4, Jacob number 16,
Mustafa number 7" he continues to blabble off names, I look beside me seeing countless submissives shaking their legs and gnawing at their lips.
  "Giovanni and King Isaiah number 33" he grunts staring at us with a slight tilt to his head. My heart drops momentarily, I feel like someone just poured ten gallons of ice cold water over me. Gios hand starts tugging against mine, giving me the hint to follow him to get our number.
Wait our? OUR NUMBER?!??
"Sir, I think you've made a mistake you assign us both to 33" Gio says false confidence radiating off of him. The man smiles, white gems peeking out of his thin lips.
"No my boy every once in a while two or more submissives just fit with one dom so well we just assign them the same one" he shrugs and goes back to yelling.
"Oh god King did ya hear that we have the same dom omg omg we won't be separated oh woah king do ya think she will take us both? Huh? Do ya? I can't wait king!! We get to be together forever" he gushes quietly still afraid of upsetting the man. His wondering eyes filled with pure excitement drains every drop of dread I had.
"We got this king"
"Promise?" I croak
"promise" he giggles lightly.

I'll make the next chapter way longer!! I really hope you guys like this!! If you have any suggestions just go on and tell me I'll be happy to hear them~ Bon

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