~Chapter three~

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Nylee grays P.O.V~

I tap my soft fingers against the table they told me to sit at. All the other doms have seen their submissive already, I'm just waiting on mine. I really hope I even got paired. Maybe I should of said yes to the sou-
"Hi miss!!" A tan hand was waving in the air the voice was quite deep, not a usual trait for submissive's. But, nevertheless it was absolutely beautiful. My eyes trailed up to the one of the most handsome men I've ever seen in my entire life I feel as if my my heart is going to explode. I reach my hand up grabbing the slightly warm and wet hand.
"Hi love, I'm Nylee and you are?"
I question kissing his hand smoothlya sweet blush covers his cheeks as he looks town at our touching hands.
"Oh- uh, hi I'm Gio and this is King!" He says shyly nodding to the pretty boy beside him. My eyes are locked on those pretty brown eyes King has. These boy's are absolutely beautiful. King looks down at his small fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. I bite my lip softly and stand up, pulling the chairs out for these two gods.
"I guess I got paired with two of you huh?" I say seeping a sense of playfulness in my tone. Both boys nod, King very shyly while Gio nods quickly.
"MHM MHM PLEASE MA'AM YOU'RE SO GORGEOUS IM SO LUCKY, KING BABY DO YOU SEE HER LOOK AT HER HAIR" Gio screams taking me by surprise. Kings eyes widen as he puts his hand over Gios mouth whispering something I couldn't quite catch. My heart flutters at Gio's boldness I know he's going to be a handful.
"Well, thank you very much love, you two are absolutely gorgeous if you ask me, now I'm assuming you boys know eachother well. Tell me how" I say as soft as I can. King takes his hand off of Gios face so he can speak.
"Me and King have been Best Friends for like EVERRRRR" Gio giggles looking up at me shyly.
"I see, now King would you like to speak in this conversation?" I ask politely. His eyes dart up to mine before he drops them again.
"Yeah of course sorry I was going to let Gio talk" his voice is like music to my ears it's softer than Giovanni's but just as amazing. King pulls his shirt down and sits up in his seat further.
"I'm King Titus, I'm 19 years old I'm a submissive and I reallyyyy like flowers they are just so gorgeous very similar to you ma'am" He bites his lip after hearing what came out of his mouth. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable and different these boys are. I was going to comment on the flowers scattered across his long locs but, the man from earlier busts into the room with a very smooth smile on his face while looking around.
"Hello everyone, can I have your attention please" He booms. The two beauty's next to me shook slightly causing me to pat their knees.
"If you feel as if we have made a mistake with the paring" He looks at me smiling
"Or well grouping, come forward right now". He looks around waiting, he claps after nobody stood up.
"Everyone, thank you for attending this years soulmate pairing I hope to never see any of you guys again. You are dismissed"
Two pairs of chocolate brown eyes bore into my soul as if waiting for me to tell them what to do next.
"Would you like to come to my house first and see your rooms or would you like to go home for a few days to get a good grasp on things?" I question softly.
"I wanna go with you ma'am- ME TOO" they both say I smile and hold my hands out for them.
"Well come on loves let's go meet the family" I say shaking off the feeling of pure nervousness what if I can't care for them both like they deserve. They are so different yet sooooo cuteee. Giovannis hand slowly slips out of mine as we exit the big doors separating us from the fresh air outside. I tilt my head in question and he just puts his head down and puts his arm through mine leaning on me slightly as we walk to my black Hummer. I can't wait to get these boys home so I can spoil them with absolutely everything their little hearts desire. my pretty boys..."boys" yea I'm going to have to get used to that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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