The Watery Battle

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Puca: an Irish spirit that can cause mischief and shape shift.
Can shift into a dog, goat, horse, raven, etc..

Kid and his crew made their way down to the river just a hour before sun down. With nothing but the river as their guide.
(Conversation between kid and his crew)
"How far did she say her cottage was?" One of the crew mate asked
"How in the he'll should I know. All she told me was to meet her at the cottage by the river at sun down!" Kid yelled
"Kid dose this place look familiar to you?"
"No fucking shit Killer it not like we didn't come in these wood before or something."
"Watch you language. Who ever this woman is not a force to be reckoned with. If she knows you it means she knows me and that she ether fought against us or with us."
"Dose it really look like I give a flying fuck. We'll just kill her before she has time to attack us..."
They all walked for a while until they heard movement in the brush.
Your prove
"Ahh almost sun down. No sign of kid. Should have thought so. He never had a sense of time."
Looking outside again you sighed. They must have gotten lost.
"Well can't leave them out there all night. The puca might get them. Knowing those little creatures the might poor Kid more angry then he already is."
I put on my cloak and head out to find the red head and his crew. Knowing that the Púcas love to cause mischief at sundown.
Kid and his crew prove

"What the hell was that."
"Maybe the locals?"
"No you dip shits Killer and I lived here. I sure as hell don't remember anyone living in the woods."
"Kid what about that girl with the (h/c) hair an the (f/c) dress? Her mother was always baking pies and what not."
"Ok who's ever in those damn bushes show yourself. I'll promise I'll make you death as quick as possible."
Out of the brushes came a little dog like creature that was all black.
"Oh good thing I found you at the last minute." A female voice said behind them
"What the hell lady we've been looking for your place for..." Kid was stoped by the woman
"For one thing it is not nice to speak to a lady with that tongue, and for another thing you were about the be tricked by a Púca."
"What the hell is a puca!"
"It's a wee little fairy like spirit that likes to pull pranks on angry red haired pirates and their crew. You almost got caught in its trap. The cottage was a mile back from here"
Boy if looks could kill the lady would be dead by now.
"I don't give a fuck your dead right hear right now"
He lunged forwards. She dodged.
"Oh and I prepared tea and scones."
"Shut the fuck up!"
He lunged again and was dodged again.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you sir. You haven't the slightest idea on what I am capable of."
"I said shut up"
As kid lunged for the 3rd time the woman transformed. She turned into a beautiful (h/c) horse. Without a thought he was kicked in the gut by this horse.

   "See I told ya. You haven't the slightest idea what I'm capable of Kid."
"You bitch." Was the last thing he said before blacked out.

The Pirate and the Kelpie. (Eustass Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now