Her Identaty

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~~a few hour later~~
Kid's prove
I woke up with the world worst gut pain.
"What in the hell happened?"
"You got kick by a horse captain."
"Where is the horse anyways Killer. I would love to make horse meat out of it and eat it."
"I would be careful if I were you Kid. That wasn't an ordinary girl or horse. That was a kelpie, and from the looks of it sh knows both of us."
"She's still going to die once I get my hands on her."
"Oh really Eustass. And I thought you would remember me by now." The unknown girl came in.
"Listen here you bitch. I still have know idea who the fuck you are. I don't know how you know me and I don't care. I just know that once I get up you dead."
"My my it really dose break my heart." She said. She went to one of the shelves near by and pulled down a music box. It was red with little white roses on it.

She turned the key and a familiar tune came from it

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She turned the key and a familiar tune came from it. She started to sing.

What do you see
You people gazing at me
You see a doll on a music box
That's wound by a key
How can you tell
I'm under a spell
I'm waiting for love's first kiss
You cannot see
How much I long to be free
Turning around on this music box
That's wound by a key
I'm turning around and around

I know this song.it was the one Killer and that girl sang while I played an old beat up music player. Killer started to sing as well with her.

What do you see
(Truly Scrumptious)
You people gazing at me
(you're truly truly scrumptious)
You see a doll on a music box, that's wound by a key
(scrumptious a...)
How can you tell I'm
Under a spell I'm
Waiting for love's first kiss
(honest truly, your the answer to my wishes)
You cannot see
(Truly Scrumptious)
How much I long to be free
(though I may seem presumptuous)
Turning around on this music box that's wound by a key
(my heart beats so unruly)
(because I love you truly)
While I'm turning around and around
(honest, Truly I do)
They both ended the song. She put the little music box back on the shelf.
"Well I sure hope that jogged you memories." She said.
"Kids memories may not be jogged but mine are." Killer got up and gave her a hug.
"It's nice to see you (y/n)."
"This can't be her Killer."
"And why no Kid!"
"Because She died! How do you not remember Killer. Her village was burned to the ground when we left.
Weren't out the one that said that kelpies can't be trusted."
"Eustass." She said.
"I don't want to hear anything from you mouth bitch. There is no way in hell that you "are her. She was a sweet girl, not a god damn monster horse." I yelled before storming out.
"Come on crew we're leaving."
"I said shut up." I smacked her and the left.
~~your prove~~
I held my cheek as Eustass left. Thea last one to leave was Killer.
"Kam... I mean Killer please wait a moment." I almost let his real name slip.
"Yes (y/n)."
I walked towards him.
"Please you got to believe I am who said I am."
"(Y/n) of course I believe you. You and I had been singing that song with each other for years."
"Then please Killer try and convince him. If he still doesn't believe then give him this." I gave him a whit envelope with the family seal.

"I'll do my best (y/n)" he said be for leaving I sighed "please do

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"I'll do my best (y/n)" he said be for leaving
I sighed "please do."

      To be continued

The Pirate and the Kelpie. (Eustass Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now