Its time ..

344 9 3

I left the arena where the famtour was taking place. I texted my mom and told her to just go have fun and go shopping and I'll just walk to the hotel. Little did she know that she will not have a daughter anymore. I walked through the door and heard everyone screaming don't go but I knew they weren't talking to me , so I just ignored it and kept walking. I entered the hotel lobby and asked what room me and my mother are in he said 34 b. He said that he's very sorry if I get awaken by some famous boys I told him that it doesn't matter and he just smiled.

I walked up to the room and grabbed my makeup bag then went into the bathroom. I got my pills razor blade out. I looked at my self in the mirror and started crying. I was so disappointed in myself because I wasn't pretty or skinny. I looked at my wrist running my index finger over each scare 1 by 1 and got to the 15 th one and there wasn't anymore. I grabbed my razor and cut myself 12 more times on both wrists I started crying really loud and didn't realize I was until someone was banging on my bathroom door. The guy yelled open up please and I knew exactly who it was .. It was Cameron
( conversation between Allyson and Cameron )
Allyson - what do you want?
Cameron - please don't do this
Allyson - you're talking o late I'm sorry Cameron
Cameron - you can do this , don't leave me
Allyson - bye Cameron ..

I grabbed the pill bottle out of my makeup bag and poured 20 into my hands .. I grabbed a cup off of the counter that i brought in too and turned the water on and filled it to the top. I then put all the pills in my mouth but before I swallowed them Cameron broke through the door and stuck his hand in my mouth and took them all out. I started crying and it made really mad I said to Cameron
Why did you do that ?! I want to die so don't try stopping me. I don't want to live anymore nobody understands what I have to deal with so just leave me alone. I tried punching him really hard in the arm but he grabbed my hand and squeezed it and hugged me. He said " don't do this stay strong for me I love you way to much for you to leave me. " I cried even more and fell onto the floor. " Just leave me here to die nobody would care or notice " He just looked at me and shook his head. He finally spoke up and said " Allyson Elizabeth I love you so much I want you here so do a lot of others you can't leave I won't let you. You may not know this but my tweet earlier was about you. I know you thought it was about someone else but you are wrong it was about you. When I saw the picture you posted you looked so beautiful and I saw lines on your wrist and I didn't want to believe that you actually hurt yourself but when I saw that it was real it made me upset and angry because I wasn't there to help you. I know I made you feel like complete shit when you left the signing I felt really bad I'm so sorry Allyson please forgive me I love you so much beautiful " I didn't know what to say I just stared at him. He did something I wasn't expecting. He lifted my chin and looked at my eyes then to my lips. Next thing you know we both start to lean in and his lips crashed onto mine. I felt loved when he kissed me. I just didn't expect him to do that. After we pulled apart I just looked at him and said
" Why cameron why ? "

{ okay this was a shitty ass chapter but I hope I get better at writing lol love you guys (: }

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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