Chapter 2: The Whispers In Darkness

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      Walking in, there was a woman standing behind a table, with a white coat on that looked like a commander's uniform. She also had two horns on her head and purple hair with purple eyes, with a odachi in hand and a big rigging on the right side of the oval desk. She was staring right at me.
      "You there! State your ship class now!"
Her voice echoed with pride like she demanded attention.
      "S-Scarlett! From the battleship Scarlett class ma'am!"
      "Battleship Scarlett? I never heard of that class—"
      "It's because this battleship class is new. And one that surpasses any other ship of our time."
Said a woman's voice, as the woman who was sitting on a chair to the left, beside the oval desk stood up. She was wearing a white and gold uniform with a black coat with golden tassels on her shoulders, she grabbed a metal staff which had a red Gem on top of it, and held it up in the air. Suddenly, I could feel three heavy winds blow right past me, as three big turrets, flew to the woman with tremendous speed and landed on her rigging. I could also see small anti-aircraft turrets 3D modeling itself onto her rigging, as I just stood there in amazement and shock.
      "Your Scarlett? The one command told us about?"
      "Y-yes ma'am!"
I saluted back in response.
      "Come here."
I walked up to her and stood right in front of her.
      "Do you know how to get into combat yet?"
      "No, I—"
      "excuse me, uh. Miss Non-Aryan woman is it? Can we get on with the class? I'm sick and tired of hearing you royals talk—."
       "Excuse me, but need I remind you that we, the royals accepted your request to join Azur Lane. And here I thought you being the head of your nation, you will be a bit.. Leaderlike?"
      I turned around to see a woman in a black coat with long blond hair, blue eyes, and a ironblood flag beside her.
      "Ah, sorry, allow me to introduce myself. Guten tag my name is Bismarck From the ironblood. And you are?" "Scarlett from the faction and nation Azur lane."
      "Wait, how are you in one faction and one nation?" "Scarlett here, is a product of every nation combined. Ironblood, the Sakura empire, Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Dragon Empery, the Northern parliament, Iris libre, Sardegna empire, and Vichya Dominion. Each saying a piece to create Scarlett.."
      "that's cool and all, but who authorized this?"
      "I did sister Bismarck."
       I looked to the left to see a woman with long white hair and had a white coat with a white uniform who also had the Ironblood flag beside her too, as Bismarck stood up with Tirpitz, and so did all the other battleships and battlecruisers.
       "So. Since your the 'talk of the day'. Why don't we all fight against you?"
       "No, absolutely not-" interjected Monarch, her face looked a bit pissed off..
       "why not monarch? You speak highly of her?"
I turned around and saw the horned lady put her odachi back in her rigging, and the woman with the staff sighed.
       "Scarlet, as of this moment, you shall be graded.."
       "Huh?! Graded?"
       "Yes, graded. Everyone in this class has a rarity. However some are graded. Yamato has decided to have yours graded. And since Bismarck here wishes to fight you, she shall join us as, for we, the Ultra rares of Azur Lane test your rarity and might Battleship Scarlet."

       I walked to the docks, I looked to my left and saw massive flames from a big battleship twirl up like a typhoon and began to transform itself into a flaming circle, then vanished. As the four other big battleships beside it turned into snow and disappeared. I felt someone to the right of me tap my shoulder, I looked to my right and saw a woman with a red bamboo umbrella beside me.
       "Scarlet. Do you know how to activate your rigging?"
       "Um. No. Who are you? How do you know my name?"
       "You will see my name when I rank your rarity.. As for how I know your name, I have been watching your project really closely. Both me, and Vice Admiral Mathew Watson"
        "And you are?"
She began running straight towards the docks and jumped off the ledge at the final moment. Suddenly, Pink Sakura pedals surrounded her as her big battleship turned into Sakura pedals, her rigging began to appear and summon before her. As she landed into the water with a splash.
        "IJN Yamato.. Now, are you going to take the test? Or not?"
I begin running straight down the dock and jumped at the last second. My battleship began to break apart in blue and red. As Blue cubes, red flames, Sakura pedals, and many more surround me. I feel the power of my battleship rigging activate, and all three of my triple barrel 410mm main turrets slowly began to lower down. As I feel into the docks and re-surfaced after being submerged for two seconds. I quickly accelerated forward, I noticed I had magnetic lock on torpedos, with 24 forty mm bofors guns were on my armor. Suddenly a flag was shot out from under my rigging, I grabbed it and the flag on the flagpole had the Azur Lane insignia on it. My ham radio went off.
       "Scarlet, this is Commander Hawk of Azur Lane, do you copy?"
       "Y-Yes. I do sir!"
       "Good, the women you will be facing is Azur Lane's strongest girls. Izumo, Monarch, Bismarck, three Sovetsky Soyuz battleships, and Yamato."
       "How tough are they?"
       "Don't worry, just give it all you got."
       "Yes sir."
       "Begin, in 3..2..1.."
As the other girls launched from the docks, Bismarck was on the left with two Sovetsky Soyuz shipgirls. The Sovetsky Soyuz shipgirls looked big and powerful with massive rigging and powerful looking 406mm guns. And to the right was Yamato, Izumo, Monarch, and another Sovetsky Soyuz shipgirl. Suddenly Bismarck began to charge towards me from the left, and behind her was two of the Sovetsky Soyuz ships. I quickly launched my torpedo's to her and headed in the opposite direction. Re-calibrating my cannons I aimed one at the left to Bismarck, and one at Monarch, and Izumo who were to the right of me. I squeezed the trigger and the cannons unloaded 12 rounds into each ship, and the sound of my cannons were so loud that my ears were ringing, and my rigging was shaking. A bell was rung, and as the smoke cleared, Bismarck was being towed back to the port by a repair shop. I quickly looked to the right and saw Monarch and Izumo still stood perfectly fine with the three Sovetsky Soyuz and Yamato by their sides.
        "You forgot one thing, to calibrate your guns! All ships, take aim!!"
I began to dash forward and fire off the second torpedo tube to my left, and very hastily I also launched my two torpedo launchers, at Monarch, Izumo, Yamato, and the Sovetsky Soyuz shipgirl to the right of me, as the two Sovetsky Soyuz shipgirls opened fire and began to hit me, I feel the shells hit me, then I felt multiple shells hit me hard from the right side. I slew my cannons to the right, bringing them to bear at Monarch, Izumo, Yamato, and the Sovetsky Soyuz, who were at the right side.
I fired nine shots at each of them, then three bells rung repeatedly one after the other. As the smoke cleared, Monarch was being towed back critically injured and severely damaged, as well as Izumo and Sovetsky Soyuz. I aim three of my main cannons to the left and without looking fired the remaining three shots in my clip at the final three Sovetsky Soyuz shipgirls, I can hear three bells ringing, indicating they've been taken out. I recalibrate all guns to face in front of me, I was staring right at Yamato. She was wearing a white dress with pink Sakura flowers, with long black hair, with two fox ears, six tails, and a red bamboo umbrella in the palm of her hand. On her rigging were her three massive turrets a lot of anti-aircraft, and was loaded with armor.
          "Sorry bout that."
          "About what? Defeating the ship who was supposed to take my place? All is well. However, it seems like this is where this fight shall come to a close. So let's end this fight once and for all."
          She aimed all three of her cannons at me. I began to run towards her and firing  all my guns broadside at her, she quickly raised her armor up and deflected my shells?! I tried to evade, and the next thing I heard was the sound of nine barrels roaring like thunder, I quickly raised my armor up just for it to explode in a million bits, my cannons were gone, secondary auxiliaries were shot out. All I got left was my two torpedo launchers to the left of me. I stood there in shock and amazement at her strength.
           "Even if I'm old, doesn't mean I know a few tricks up my sleeve.. Do you wish to forfeit?"
           "No, I won't.... Go down without a fight!"
I begin to slowly turn myself to the left and launched my torpedos in one last triumphant attack, as Yamato fired her two secondary auxiliary guns, and shot my torpedo launchers and my final armor off. I leaned forward, and just as I was about to fall, I can feel her hands catch my head and gently carry me out of my rigging.
            "I think I know where you belong.."

After I woke up, I was in the infirmary. I sat up and looking to my right I saw a desk with an envelope on top of it. I grabbed the envelope and opening it up, it said "Scarlet: Rarity Ultra Rare." And below it was five signatures, one from Yamato, one from Sovetsky Soyuz, one from Izumo, one from Monarch, and the final signature was from Bismarck herself. With a little note saying: "your not too shabby for a new battleship. Welcome aboard - Bismarck. PS: you fought well. I have already considered you to be the next candidate to carry the Sakura Empire Flagship. And please, don't ever forget about your broadside. -Yamato"

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