Chapter 12: Truths or lies?

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Sitting up at my bedside, I had a revolver in my left hand, and a bottle of vodka in front of me on the table. Popping out the cylinder, I checked to see if there was one bullet in the chamber. Sure enough there was, I whipped the cylinder back into the gun, spun the cylinder around and without hesitation. Pulled back the hammer, and aimed the barrel of the gun to the side of my head, squeezing the trigger to hear a "click" sound in response. I lowered my left arm down to the bed and laying on my bed, I began to cry.
"Sad.. Isn't it? How friends can just.. Vanish away."
I quickly sat up, just to see that same mysterious woman from last week. I frowned at her and with anger and frustration built up in me, I snapped.
"Then what are you?"
"I beg your pardon?!"
She repeated her question again, but this time removed the revolver out from my hand and set the vodka from the table in front of me to the back of the room. Why is this strange woman doing this?
"What are you? Why do you insist on fighting when even if you knew you didn't have the strength to take on a formidable threat?"
"I fight because-"
I stopped and bit my tongue before I could say another word. She's right. Why do I insist on fighting.. Have I..Been living without a purpose.. This entire time?
"I've been observing you for quite awhile now Scarlett. In fact. Me and another person. Has been watching you. You meet friends, yet barely talk with them. You are always obsessed about finding your sister Cataclysm. And yet.. You never once stood back and thought 'who am i?'..Didn't you?"
"No.. I.. I didn't.."
"I am truly sorry about your friends death Scarlett.. I truly am. I didn't want this to happen, but. We can't save everyone."
the woman lifted her head up to reveal a metallic looking collar on her neck, with what seems to look be to a small round speaker in the front of the metallic collar, she twisted the small round speaker open. Removed the small round speaker, reveling the electrical wiring behind it. She tried to talk but couldn't, as a tear ran down her cheek, she then stopped trying to talk and put the speaker back in the metallic collar.
"Cataclysm found me and my sister at the North Pole and took us under her wing, trained me with twelve high powered rail guns and a katana, and I looked up to her like a mother. Until.. Ww went out on our first actual mission. A mission to kill a Sakura empire's convoy containing one of the Sakura empire's Flagship.. Musashi.."
"You.. You..."
"Yes.. I was forced to kill Musashi.. I refused, but she wouldn't take no for an answer.. And ripped my voice out from my neck. From that point on, she went from calling me her daughter..To.. Sil0nt..And my sister.. She.. She forcefully turned her into one of those sirens.."
Tears began running down her cheeks, I slowly went up to her and hugged her.
"I'm sorry.. I.. I should've lived my life to the fullest with U-556.."
"S..So tell me.. What is your purpose?"
"My purpose... My purpose is.."
I began reflecting on my experience, here at this base.. Bismarck losing her sister, Yamato giving me tips and advice on how to fight. And.. Not talking and being there for U-556..
"My purpose is to protect the people I care about! Not just only my faction, but for others as well.."
She chuckled, I looked at her as she let off a little smile.
"Even your older sister Cataclysm?"
"Then.. Let's get to work shall we.."
"Yes, that is, unless if you don't wanna get to your sister."

Standing upon the deck of my ship, I can hear the sound of metal being welded on metal as I looked out into the ocean. I quickly grabbed all four flags, Sakura Empire, Ironblood, Royal Navy, And Eagle Union. Placed them on my back, and drew out Yamato's Katana. I turned around to face Sil0nt, with her katana drawn out she dashed towards me, I blocked her charge and putting force on the blade I pushed the blade forward, sending her back.
"Tell me again, why do you fight?"
"To protect others."
She dashed towards me again and swiped her sword diagonally up at me, I blocked the sword with Yamato's sword.
"Why do you fight!"
Sil0nt's moves quickened, I had to anticipate her movements as she got progressively harder to anticipate her moves.
"To protect others-"
"Why do you fight!!"
I blocked her Next slash and kicking her in the gut, I high kicked Sil0nt's katana's out of her hand and put the katana up to her neck.
          "To protect others.."
"Good. I want you to not forget that Scarlett. Cataclysm is a persuasive woman. Knows how to turn people.. Speaking of which.. When do we leave?"
"We leave at dawn. Don't notify the commander or the priority ships. I don't want the higher ups knowing what we are about to pull off. Got it?-"
Sil0nt nodded without hesitation, as soon as she did, Monarch and an ironblood woman walked towards us.
           "Pull off? What are you going to pull off without the powerful Friedrich der Grosse of ironblood?"
           "Scarlett, are you sure about this?"
           "Yes, I am most certainly sure about this.. Meet and everyone else outside of the docks at dawn.."

Azur Lane: Lies or Truths? (Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now