If I Fall

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"Holy crap!"

The loud sound of a car skidding to a stop drowns out my voice, and I instantly break into a run towards the road, umbrella completely forgotten.

I nearly die in relief when I see Taehyung blinking shockingly on the other side of the car.

He's safe.

"You idiot!" I screech, realizing just how fast my heart is racing as I gasp for breath. How had he even gotten from there to here this fast? How had—

Then Taehyung shifts off a dark, shivering silhouette.

It's a person.

He'd saved a person from getting hit by a car.

I'm standing there absolutely stunned to the ground as Taehyung heavily gets to his feet, eyes bright with adrenaline.

"I'm like you now!" He says happily as he helps the man off the road, catching his breath. "Remember you saved me from one of these—"

"Jimin hyung!"

I'm shocked for the second time in a minute when I hear the sound of rapid feet against the rain-soaked asphalt, a familiar voice.

Jungkook is flushed red as he looks wildly at the shaken man, his breaths harsh and rushed.

"I told you to stop walking around with those earbuds in!"

"I didn't!" The man squeaks, and I quickly grip Taehyung's sleeve so he doesn't go anywhere else. "Not my fault that car driver is just plain stupid!"

"You know him?" I exclaim shockingly as Jungkook nods.

"He was going to come and stay at my house for a bit."

Then the sound of a car honk echoes loud and clear, and I quickly pull a confused Taehyung off the road as Jungkook simply throws the man over his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down, you little copycat! I was born in Busan first, okay?! First!"

"What's Busan?" Taehyung asks as Jungkook clamps a hand over the man's lips, his face stretched tight.

"Sorry— don't mind him. I think he's in shock." Jungkook grits out as the man continues squeaking. "Let's get out of the rain first."

Retrieving my umbrella, I grip Taehyung's cold hands and lead him back to the house we'd just come out from. And I was hoping that my employer would understand if I told him my friend had nearly been in a crash.

"Are you okay?" I say, fussing over his soaked clothing as he nods and shivers. "You were really brave, Tae—"


"What's that on the door?"

The confusion in my face morphs into pure terror as soon as I see the white paper taped onto my front door.

No way.

This is a dream, right?

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