My Last Breath

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When I look back, there's no traces of her except for an irregularly shaped hole in the ice.

My heart suddenly beats so fast it hurts to breathe as I drop to my knees, blood draining from my pale face. My mind is a mess as I plunge my arm through the icy water, cringing at the temperature.

I don't feel her.

I don't feel her.

Drawing my hand back, I gaze at the black water for a breath before reaching in deeper. I'm about to just dive in when my fingers close around a heavy material.

Relief blocks my throat as I pull, my other hand plunging into the water and wrapping around what I can feel as her shoulder.

She doesn't even feel heavy as I release a shaky breath, get her soaked figure onto the ice. My hands shake when I frantically clutch her body to mine, desperate for help as I look around.

There's no one.

Then I see a dim light underneath her jacket's layers, and search to find a blinking phone. It's dry— just a bit soaked around the edges. The screen shows two buttons, green and red.

I press green, and the phone buzzes to life.

"Sian? Did you find him yet? What's taking so long?"


"Hyung! You're there!" His voice suddenly erupts from the other side, and the phone nearly slips out from my frozen fingers as I hug her to my chest. "I'm so—"

"Help me. I don't know if she's alive."


"I-I don't know. We're at a lake—"

Then the phone suddenly releases a long beep, making me flinch in surprise as the screen grows completely dark.

Had it been more wet than I thought?

My chest begins to hurt viciously as I lie her down on the ice, fatigue dragging down my movements. A chill claws at my heart.

And for a second, I think I'm going to start bleeding.

But I don't, and I push back her drenched strands of hair from her forehead. I can't lose her like this— not when everything was going so well.

This is all my fault.

Tilting her head backward, I press my lips to hers and breathe even though the pain starts to spread from my chest to my arms, my legs.

Only when I can't take it anymore, I break away and gasp for the cold air. My head spins with dizziness and I can't really see, I manage to find her lips again.

Why did I do that?

The tears from my eyes mix with the water wetting her cheeks as I breathe into her, my hands against ice that might be her skin.

She feels like someone who is dead, and that scares me more than having to die, having to leave Earth.

"I'm sorry."

Then my eyes widen as a sudden seizure rolls through my body, my fingers finding hers desperately. I think of all the times she wanted me to go to the hospital, and all the times I refused, denied that there was anything wrong with me.

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