Chapter One: Horrors

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"Are you ready honey?" My mom asked with excitement.

"Almost" I replied as I tried to put on my skinny pearl necklace.

"You look beautiful , especially since your the ring bearer" my mother said. I did look different though. So different I didn't regonized myself. I had on a elegant white strapless dress that had a heart neckline instead of a stained top and skinnys. I had a perfect makeup look that made all of my imperfections go away, Light pink lip gloss that shined like a diamond, and soft curls that complemented my face shape.

"I'm ready."

"Okay let's get going" my mom replied. We walked down the stairs my heels clicking after me after each step, and we walked into a huge room where the wedding was going to be. Everyone was there from cousins to aunts to grandpas to even close friends.

"So can everyone take their seats" the old man said. As music started playing I saw the most beautiful women walking down the asile; my sister. —this is her big day rose don't mess it up for her and whatever you do DONT FALL, I said to myself . As she made her way to the end to meet her beloved soon to be husband, I stood up grabbed tightly on the pillow of rings and walked elegantly. All of a sudden I heard foot steps from behind, but how could that be if everyone is sitting??? A loud boom cracked the happiness and awakened the screaming.

"Fire!!!!" Someone yelled from afar, I ran to find my parents to find someone I can escape with. Screaming with tears streaming down my rosy cheeks the flames were ablazed and soon one by one someone fell to the ground. The fire eating its victims until there's was no one left but me— no wait I saw a glimpse a boy close to my age but only a glimpse...of a tattoo, a tattoo of the London flag. I tried to run after him but the smoke was winning I fell to the ground with nothing but a gasp, a gasp for help, a gasp for freedom until darkness drowned me.

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