Sleep Over

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I broke away from the hug.

"Get some sleep Will." I told him. He looked exhausted from everything he went through today. He had big bags under his eyes and his skin looked pale. I turned around to Dustin and Lucas.

"So what're you guys gonna do?"

"I think Will's mom said we could spend the night." Dustin responded, smiling at me.

"Yea she even said Max could stay too." Lucas told us with clear excitement in his voice. I smiled at him because I knew he'd found someone that made him happy just like El made me. When I saw Dustin's face though I felt my smile falter. It's hard especially for him I'm sure. He loves Lucas like a brother and likes that Max has made him happy but he also liked Max that way too. Hopper knocked on Will's door frame.

"Alright kid if you're coming all aboard." With that he turned and walked out. I smiled at my friends.

"Goodbye guys I'll talk to ya tomorrow probably." They all smiled back and said "goodbye" to me as well. I walked out of Will's room down the hall and ran into Max as she came out of the bathroom.

"Oh hey." She said.

"Hey Max I gotta go but I wanted to tell you sorry again for my outburst I shouldn't have said those things." I told her honestly. I felt horrible for everything I had said to her and I wouldn't have if I'd known I would've seen El within the next 5 minutes. She smiled at me.

"Ya know Mike I never said thank you for trying to fight Billy off to protect me and Lucas."

"What're you talking about." I said as I rubbed my hand through my hair nervously. I couldn't remember what she was talking about.

"You jumped at Billy to try and protect me and Lucas."

"Oh well I didn't do anything."

"It's not about beating the bad guy Michael. It's about having the courage to try." She said, hugging me slightly before walking down the hallway to Will's room. I smiled as I thought.

Well she's definitely got my vote.

I walked into the living room to see Mrs.Byers and Hopper sharing a cigarette.

"Ready to go kid?" His voice was gruffly and smoke escaped his mouth as he talked.

"Yup." I said walking out the door as he told Will's mom bye. I opened the back door to Hopper's truck to see El laying on Lukus asleep. The once hint of jealousy sparked into a forest fire of rage at the scene.

I just got her back what the heck.

I wanted to wake her up so she'd lay on me instead but I didn't. I couldn't. So I took the high road and just sat up front. Hopper got in the driver seat and he looked at me with confusion on his face. He looked in the back seat and it looked like he was just as angry at the sight as I was. He turned his eyes back to me with the same sort of confused anger on his face that I returned to him as he started the car. He drove away from Will's house revving the engine loudly to see if they would wake up but they were dead asleep. The drive home was silent. I didn't speak a word to Hopper because I was still a little mad at him. We arrived at his cabin in about 20 minutes. He parked the car and got out giving me a look that said "take care of her I need a beer" so I got out and went to the side of the car Lukus was on. I opened the door and he fell out on the ground. He fell on his hands and knees coughing before he threw up blood. My jealousy faded instantly as I knelt beside him.

"Jack are you ok?" I asked urgently.

"Oh I'm sure I'll be alright, you just take care of her." He sounded weak as he staggered to his feet.

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