I'll Kill You

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"Everything is fine now." I finished telling El. She had just woken up from being passed out after Lukus did whatever he did to her mind so that her powers would come back. The anger I once had for him was replaced by guilt for the fact that I had punched him. Well... I didn't feel to bad and I didn't understand why. I know the underlying jealousy I felt was still there but I quickly shook it from my mind. I needed to be happy for El. We stayed sitting on the bed there for a while just holding each other. After a few seconds Lukus had left to give us some privacy.

"I'm happy." El said plainly. I pulled away to see the massive smile on her face. I let both of our smiles meet in the middle for a few seconds.

"Me too baby." I breathed out. I just sat and looked at her. Her face was more pretty than any form of nature or any painting. She was absolutely beautiful to the point of distraction. I brushed her cheek and as I did blood spread across it. My eyes widened in panic as I wiped it away quickly, trying to find the source.

"What?" She said worriedly due to my expression.

"I don't know, I-"

"Your hand!" She whisper shouted as she picked it up to look at it. My index finger and middle finger knuckles were busted and bleeding. After I saw it I finally felt the pain of it.

"Let me go clean it off ok." I said panicking and walked out the room holding my hand up. I walked into the bathroom and started running some warm water over the cuts which made them sting. I heard a creek in the hallway and turned to find Lukus leaning against the door frame with a friendly smile. He chuckled a bit.

"Look at your hand Michael." I felt the anger within me again as I heard him mock me.

"Yea you don't have to rub it in." I said angrily.

"No Mike look at your hand." He said emphasizing. I had turned my head away so I didn't have to look at him and when I looked down at my hand the cuts were gone. My brow furrowed and I turned the faucet off. I wiped my hand dry with the hand towel.

"Thanks?" I said like a question as I dried my hands.

"You're welcome." He said happily.

"Are you not mad I punched you?"

"Naw that's alright. It was my fault really, I shouldn't have scared you like that." He said with a smile. I was in disbelief at the way he was acting but knowing him it really wasn't all that crazy. He turned and walked toward the living room again as I exited. I watched him sit down in his rocker and turn the tv on. I just shook my head and made to walk back to El's room and saw her leaning out the door biting the nail of her index finger. She looked cute standing there. I walked over to her.

"Hey are you ok?" I asked her. She nodded her head and the worried look left her face.

"I thought he would be mad." She said. I nodded my head.

"Me too." We walked back and laid back down on her bed with the lamp the only light source in the room. She hugged me tight while lying down.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I clicked the lamp off and we both slowly drifted off to sleep.

I opened my eyes and felt that I was tied to a chair. It took my eyes a minute to adjust before I realized I was in a black room with only one hanging light. I saw all my friends were there and tied to chairs as well. El was to my right next to her was Dustin then Lizzie. On Lizzie's right was Jennifer and on her right was Will. Lucas sat to Will's right with Max on his right and my left. Lukus wasn't there. We all gradually lifted our heads as we awoke.

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