Part One: Another for the Kill

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Thick fog lingered around my ankles, making me unable to see my feet. When I came to an intersection I didn't bother to look for cars and kept walking, knowing that there probably wouldn't be anyone on these back roads. The grass was high in the open fields. There wasn't a single sound except the shuffling of my steps and the crickets chirping. I kept walking down the dirt road until a shiny, black pickup truck squealed to a stop beside me.

The passenger window slid down and a man with a white beard and a blue baseball cap leaned toward it, sticking his head out the window. "Aren't you cold?" his southern drawl boomed as it seemed so loud compared to just the quiet thoughts in my mind. I looked down at my red and black dress. It was light, airy, and sleeveless. I was freezing on a fall night like that, and that was the point, to be cold. It was the perfect excuse for him to use and the perfect lure for a man like him.

I just nodded making my thick, dark brown hair bounce.

"Why don't you hop right on in?" he pushed the door open and took his spot behind the wheel. He patted the seat next to him, gesturing for me to get in. I grabbed the door and the seat to help me climb into the massive truck. Once inside it, I slammed the door without meaning to.

"Hey, that's no way to treat a brand-new truck," he chuckled. He looked at my shoes astonished, "And you're wearing heels?" He shook his head, put the truck into gear and began to drive. "Anyway, where you headin'?"

"Just to the next intersection," I said softly.

"Like the next road crossin'?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes at his lack of vocabulary, "yes."

"Okie dokie, fine by me."

After a few minutes staring out the window, the man broke the silence, "so what's your name, darlin'?"

I cleared my throat, "Deena." Deena was actually my nickname but I wasn't going to tell him my name was Demonisia. I'm sure it'd be a lot easier to say Deena too.

"That's a pretty name." I knew it wasn't really that pretty of a name, it's too simple. "Well anyways, I got to stop at my house real quick. Is that fine?"

"Sure," I sighed.

"How about some radio too?" He said the question more like statement, as if I had no choice in the matter. He pushed in the volume knob and turned it up to where it was exceptionally loud. Of course, it was country. I just drowned out the music with my thoughts of excitement.

Little did he know that I knew exactly what he was up to. He wasn't stopping at his house to get something; he was stopping there for something much more.

We pulled into the gravel driveway with dirt flying up behind us. He slammed the truck to a stop, making me jerk forward and the seatbelt dig into my shoulder. I groaned a little as I leaned back.

Exited now are we? That'd be the only thing that could explain his eagerness and his fast driving to his house.

"Sorry youngin'," he apologized.

"It's fine," I mumbled.

"I'll be right back," he got out and disappeared around to the back of his white house.

A sly smile slipped onto my face as I spotted a black sports car in the rearview mirror. It pulled off the driveway, into the grass and hid behind a group trees.

The man's face suddenly appeared on the other side of my window. He smacked his palm on the glass. I jumped and shrieked, not expecting him to be back so soon.

He swung the door open. "Get out," he said teeth clenched.

"What?" I sat there stunned for moment. He growled and reached for me but instead grabbed the air since I laid on my stomach and reached over my head for the handle to escape through the driver's side. I got the door opened only to have my ankle snatched.

He clicked his tongue, "I don't think so little lady." He began to drag me across the seat. I flipped over onto my back and shoved my heel into his eye. I could only get a glimpse of it, a dark hole and red liquid oozing out of it. He lurched back and covered his eye. Some blood went through the slits between his fingers and drizzled down the back of his hand. He was only distracted for a couple of seconds but that was all I needed. I hopped out of the truck and stood a few inches from him.

He began to speak as he rose his head to look at me, "You stupid little-" I cut him off by colliding my elbow to his jaw. He spit blood out of his mouth, onto the ground. He started after me... again. This guy could take more hits than I thought, but I noticed he was getting weak. The man swayed as he was getting ready to throw a punch. I grabbed his shoulders and kneed him in the groin. He doubled over and fell to the ground.

"Not so tuff, huh?" I stepped forward. The sky lit up in a quick flash from lightning, with a crack of thunder following after. I brought my foot back kicked him in the gut. He grunted and clutched at his stomach. Rain fell in light drops and tapped my skin.

"This is for all the girls and young women you murdered," I confronted.

"What?" he croaked.

"Yeah, that's right. I knew all along what you've been doing. I wanted you to pick me up and take me just so I could do this," I gave him a swift kick in the face, knocking him out.

I felt a hand wrap around my waist. It startled me at first, and then I remembered that I was supposed to meet my fiancé, Timothy, here. I turned to face him, his shoulder length, blonde hair is tousled. "Are you okay, Hun?" he asked his voice thick with concern.

"Yeah...yeah," I said, more to convince myself than him.

The man started to moan. Timothy Pulled out a solid, black handgun and shoots the man between the eyes, leaving only a small hole in the front but his brain scattered behind him.

"And no one will know he's gone," I murmured.

"And this hobby of ours isn't wrong either because-"

"We're killing those who deserve it," I finished his sentence. We walked to the sports car, through the rain and wet grass, hands intertwined.

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