Part Two: I'm Okay

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(A/N: There may be spelling errors and more because I did this part on a touch screen device. So sorry ahead of time if there is any inconvenience.)

"You're fine?" Timothy said while focusing on the road.

"Yes, Timmy, I'm fine. It just got me a little worked up that's all." I explained. "Can we stop somewhere so I can get out of this dress? I'm freezing."

"Of course." We had to stop at places to use the restrooms or change because our house was far from here and we decided we rather spend our money on weapons rather than paying for a hotel room, less chances of being caught that way too.

After awhile of driving on the freeway, we found ourselves a reststop.

I reached around and squeezed my torso between the seats. I unzipped a duffel bag and pulled out some clothes.

"I'll be right back," I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

The light that illuminated the entrance to the bathroom flickered.

I put on a pair of black jeggings, a white t-shirt, and, my favorite, a plain leather jacket.

I get back in the car. "Hi," he smirks.

"What?" I asked, wondering what was so funny.

"Your wearing the leather jacket I bought you."

"Well, yeah. Why would't I? I've wanted one for the longest."

He made a small laugh. "True."

We stayed put to rest. We both pushed our seats back as far as they could go. We held hands over the center counsel and the arm rests. I closed my eyes but I could feel his eyes watching me. I just ignored it and fell asleep.


I awoke the next moring to an aching back and a strained neck. I rolled my head around. I sat up and brought the seat back up with me.

Timmy was buried in a folder and some papers. I hovered over his shoulder to see what he was so deeply into. He gasped a little, startled. "Oh, good, you're up."

I sat back down and stopped hovering. "What is that?" I nodded to the folder in his lap.

"Oh, that. That is something I wanted to show you." He handed me the vanilla folder.

As I shuffled through the papers he said, "This guy has killed so many innocent people hun. I know it"s really soon to be going after him right after getting done with someone else. But this guy is so good at hiding himself and covering his tracks and we're so close that I didn't-"

I stopped listening. I seen a picture of him. The reason. He was the reason why I had this hobby of mine in the first place. I instantly had flashbacks. My fathers yells mixed with my own as he stood over him. "It's going to be okay baby girl," my father barely weezed as he was breathing his last breaths. "I'll love you always, just think of me and I'll be there." I was too young and helpless to do anything. No one belived me when I said it was him. I never learned his name but now... now I could get to know him well and fully...

Timothey shook my shoulder lightly. "Demonisia? Deennaa? Deena!"

I snapped somewhat out of my daze and looked at him. "Huh? What?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why?" I say, still a liitle tranced.

"You just- I don't even know what you just did. Are you sure?"


"Okay, then," he sighed, knowing I wouldn't give in.

It was true though. I wans't going to give in. This was more than not wanting him to worry over my pathetic mini-scares; this was my utmost secret, one that hurt too much to even think about. I've avoided it for the longest. Now it looked as if I would have to face my deepest pain.

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