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"You ready to go!" I yell to my best friend Alex, me and her have been friends for such a long time "I'm almost ready!" We both were on Charlie Swan's doorstep when he found us. Alex walks downstairs with her suitcase, a bag, a duffel bag and I have a purse, two suitcase's, and a bag. "Let's go Charlie's is Waiting" we walk out and get in the car "You girls ready to go?" Charlie asks looking back behind us "Got everything you need?" We nod.

When we got to the airport we gave Charlie a hug "Alex you ready?" She nods and we hold hands and walk into the airport. After we got on the plane we saw a flight attendant walk over "Aren't you guys to young to be on a plane by yourself?" We look at each other and giggle "We're older than you think" he rolls his eyes and walks away.

When we get to the Salvatore School we walk in and find the first adult "Hello I'm Kaylee and this is Alex we are transfers from Forks, Washington" he nods "I'm Alaric Saltzman the head Teacher" we shake hands. All of a sudden I get a call from dad

Phone Call
Me: Hey what's up
Charlie: Nothing just making sure you and Alex got there
Me: Don't worry Charlie we're ok
Charlie: Ok well have a good time call me later Bella just came back from Arizona
Me: K
End Of Phone Call

"Sorry our dad called us" he nods "well I'll let u go to your dorms and put stuff away" we nod and walk to our room. After we're done unpacking we get to our first class "Class today we have two new students named Kaylee and Alex Swan they just transferred here from Forks, Washington" I see one of the girls looking at me. "Everyone introduce yourselves" I'm Hope Mikaelson" she says and I don't hear anything else.

Later that day me and Alex were sitting at a table far away from others but I could hear Hope's conversation. "Josie, Lizzie what did your parents say about coming with me to New Orleans" Hope asks the two girls sitting in front of her, the one with brown hair spoke up. "Well Lizzie asked our mom already and I haven't asked our dad yet" they look over to our table and I turn my head away.

I hear a pair of footsteps coming our way "Hi I'm Hope and me and the twins were wondering if you wanted to come to New Orleans with us" she says. "Sure when are y'all going?" Alex says I look at her like she's nuts "Were going today" I sigh "Ok we'll get ready" she walks back to her table.

When we get to New Orleans we go to a mansion I noticed something familiar "Hope my sweet child" one of the women says "And you brought Lizzie and Josie plus two others nice" I smile. Hi I'm Kaylee and this is Alex my friend but pretty much my sister we've been together ever since we were put into the same foster home as a newborn. A new voice comes in "Hope how are you" I turn and see a familiar person I felt like all the life has been sucked out of me "Kaylee you ok" I shake my head all of a sudden I black out.

In My Dream
"Why do we have to kill her she's only a newborn and what about the other child" Davina says. Genevieve sighs "Fine we'll give her to a family in Forks as well as alex".
End Of Dream

I wake up with a headache I see Alex sleeping in the chair across from the bed. I sigh and walk downstairs and see the same girl "You..." I start to say "Your the one that made me end up in a foster home all my life and did tou take Alex away from her parents too!!" I yell making everyone run in. "Kaylee what's wrong" I turn "This is one of those witches that took us when we were babies" Davina looks at the floor.

My eyes turn green "Incendia Phasmatos Incendia" Davina screams "Kaylee stop" Alex grabs my hand and I get out of the trance. "Oh God" I run out. I go to a bar and see a girl named Camille "Hi is this a restaurant too?" She nods and takes me to a table "What would you like to eat?" She asks grabbing a notebook. "I would like a chicken sandwich with fries and a chocolate milkshake" I say and she walks away I hear a chair move I look over and see Hope. "That's my favorite food too" I smile "cool" I look down "Sorry for what happened back there I had a flashback of a group of witches take me when I was born and sent me to a foster home" Camille comes back with my food and gets Hope a plate too "Thx Cami"

We talked for a hour and ate when she said "Hey let's go back" I nod. When we get back I see Alex run up to me "I'm so glad ur ok" we hug. "Alex I can't be here anymore" she nods "The Davina girl is kinda the one that took us from our families at birth" I whisper. She starts crying and I do too, we hug for what seemed like a long time. When we separate we turn to Davina "Oh god" we scream shattering glance and making her fall to the ground. "This is what you get for making us lose are parents" I use my power all of a sudden I get a flashback and see Klaus, Hope, Hayley, and Elijah there with Davina taking me and taking Alex from a girl" I gasp and notice Alex looking at me. I cry so loud the house starts to rumble "Kaylee calm down, I'm calling Bella" I nod. When bella answers

Phone Call
Alex: Bella talk to Kaylee please she's having another vision and meltdown
Bella: Ok
She hands me the phone
Bella: Kaylee Andrea Swan what is wrong?!
I hear a sob come out
Me: I just found out who me and Alex's parents are come pick us up please
I see Alex and my family look at me
Bella: Ok I will come and see y'all but you guys are going back the school for Supernatural
I sigh
Me: Ok
End Of Phone Call

Later me and Alex were in a spare room "Ok tell me what happened out there" I sigh "Those people out there are our family Hayley, Hope, and Klaus is my sad and Elijah is your dad but I don't know about your mom". We walk out when we hear a car park we run down and into Bella's arms crying "Oh what's wrong my baby sister's" bells hugs me "I hate life now" I scream making a knife come out of nowhere almost hitting her she ducks. "Bell's why do I have to be born I hate that I'ma a tribrid, my witch side has came and I killed a innocent guy and if I try to die I'll just come back as a vampire" I sob into her chest.

"We found out who our parents are and they are in this house. I found out I have a twin that goes to the same school as me and Alex and me and Alex are cousins" I hear a scuffling behind Bella and see "Jacob!" I run to him crying "Hey princess" he says hugging me tightly "What's wrong?" I cry. "The Mikaelson's are me and Alex's family" he looked shocked "I hear a shuffle and see a girl from my dreams come out of the shadows "Who the bloody hell are you!" I scream she vamps over and grabs me by the neck.

I start losing consciousness "Enough Katherine" A guy comes out into the room pretty sure Elijah "Alex come here real quick" she nods. "That's your parents" she starts crying, I see them looking over here. Elijah walks over with Katherine "I heard you say something about parents?" I flinch at that word "What is your names?!" He ask loudly.

"My name is Kaylee Andrea Swan and this is my sister Alexandria Katerina Swan we were looking from our family at birth by witches" they looked shocked "Your my neice" he looks at me then at Alex "And your my daughter" Alex runs out the room "Alex!" I run after her. I found her on the ground not moving "Alex? Alex?!" I scream running to her I turn her around and see her covered in marks I cry. I run back "Bella! Jacob!" They turn around "What is it where's Alex" I fall but Jacob grabs me "she..." I choke out "She's dead".

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