Chapter 8

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Shadow Liquid King Sombra

After Dark Star X finished Learning about his Ancestor that was said to be cursed with a never ending cycle of those who will become a Reaper, Hell Reaper, Dragon Demon Reaper, and Dragon Devil Reaper.

Just then, everypony in the entire world of Equestria felt the ground shaking.

Starswirl the Bearded: What's going on?

Mistmane: Starswirl! It's coming back!

Meadowbrook: Mistmane! Are you saying that "he" is returning?!

Mistmane: Yes! The Defeat of King Sombra! He is coming ba-- AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!

Meadowbrook: MISTMANE!!

When Mistmane was swallowed up by the split in the ground it started pulling the others in as well that made it look like a whirlpool.

Suddenly the unknown force that was pulling them in looked for what appears to be a shadow liquid form of King Sombra himself. They were all frightened of his different appearance which made his shadow liquify body drop a few liquid forms of himself as the mini Shadow Liquid King Sombra's started climbing on top of them as they no longer had the strength to make it out of there and they were all pulled in. Never to be seen or heard of ever again.

Soon after they disappeared from the world, Princess Twilight sensed that something was going very wrong. She couldn't figure out what it is. She then turned to her assistant who was Spike. That was now older.

Princess Twilight: Spike.

Spike: Yeah Twilight.

Spike looked at his friend noticing what might be frightening her.

Spike: Twilight? What's the matter?

Princess Twilight: I feel like something has been removed from this world Spike. But, I cannot figure out what or who it might be?

Spike: I'm sure you'll figure it out Twilight.

Princess Twilight: I know Spike.

Just then, the Fusion of Lightning Blitz walking into the doors coming into Twilight's throne room.

Princess Twilight: Oh. Hello Lightning Blitz. It's good to see you ag--

Princess Twilight stopped when she got a good look at her friend's big brother who looked different from the last time she saw him.

Princess Twilight: Um Lightning Blitz? You look a little bit different. Mind telling me what you did?

Lightning Blitz began to speak which made him have two double voices.

Lightning Blitz: Sorry for my new appearance, Princess Twilight. But, I will tell you every details about why I'm this way. But, now is not the time. I need you to come to Ponyville and take a look at something. It's urgent.

Princess Twilight and Spike started looking at each other and they nodded their heads.

Princess Twilight: Of course. We'll be at Ponyville in a moment.

The Fusion Lightning Blitz gave her a bow and flew out the doors heading for Ponyville. Soon, Princess Twilight used her teleportation spell to head to Ponyville along with Spike. She was then greeted by Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Dark Star X, Blood Star X, Rainbow Dash, and The Fusion Lightning Blitz.

Rarity: Why hello darling. It's been a while. And you too Spiky.

Fluttershy: Hello Twilight. And hello to you as well Spike.

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