Chapter 13

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Blitz V Sombra

When Lightning Blitz had awoken from his fear. Although his friends were still fighting the shadow liquid clones that were created by King Sombra. Race, Smash Pro, Herbie Glimmer Sun, Lora, Eden Star, Howling Paw, Young Savage, Bloodnight Xash, Midstar X, Super Rainbow Powered Rainbow Dash, and the others had all stopped fighting the clones to watch Lightning Blitz take on Shadow Liquid King Sombra along with Toxic Biohazard and his allies who sort of resemble the Elements of Harmony. The clones also stopped attacking as well.

Toxic: Sssso what'ssss the plan?

Blitz: Toxic. You need to leave Sombra to me. This isn't your fight.

Toxic: Of coursssse. But, we sssstill want to assssisssst you in thissss final battle. You cannot fight him alone.

Darkvine Raven: Toxic. Blitz is right. This is his fight not ours. We shouldn't interfere.

Toxic: Assss you wissssh. Let'ssss continue our battle with thosssse clonessss. Sssshall we.

Toxic Biohazard again attacks the clones into making them fight once again. All the clones started to fight against everypony once again and so did everypony else.

Although Bloodnight Xash, Midstar X, & Super Rainbow Powered Rainbow Dash came to aid Lightning Blitz into facing Shadow Liquid King Sombra.

Rainbow Dash: Brother. We'll fight by your side.

Midstar X: You can't possibly fight him on your own.

Bloodnight Xash: That's right. We are going to be by you until the very end.

Lightning Blitz: I must thank all three of you for coming by my side. But, this fight is only between me and Sombra alone. I need you three to go backup the others for the time being. I can handle this on my own.

Bloodnight Xash: Hmph alright then. We'll leave you alone to battle Sombra. Midstar X & Super Rainbow Powered Rainbow Dash let's go help the other's.

Midstar X: Right.

Rainbow Dash: I'm on it. Good luck brother.

Just as soon Midstar X, Bloodnight Xash and Super Rainbow Powered Rainbow Dash left Lightning Blitz alone as they were the only ones who saw the white spark of electricity almost like his body was going to move on it's own at any moment.

Race also spots the white sparks starting to surround Blitz's body as he and the rest of Ponyville's army and Canterlot's army all kept up the fight.

But, everypony were all blown away by Shadow Liquid King Sombra and his clones. Making them have a great deal of injuries making them all weak.

King Sombra: Stand down my clones. I shall finish Lightning Blitz myself.

The clones stopped attacking as they stood in guard mode all around the ponies, dragons, hippogriffs, kirins, changelings, griffins, buffalo's, and the yaks.

Sooner or later Lightning Blitz & Shadow Liquid King Sombra came walking towards each other as they stopped in front of one another and they looked at each other.

Sombra: Such a shame that you could've joined me and my clone army. My son Sunny Knight would have done much better than you could ever of done. Too bad that you have no way of harming me.

Blitz: ... ... ...

Sombra: Not talking much. That is why you cannot have high hope of defeating me. Let's see how you are able to handle your inner dark twin and this dark gemstone that I found in The Forgotten Temple left by Dark Zlar himself.

Dark Zlar turned around and he noticed that King Sombra had the dark gem that contained his inner dark twin.

Sombra used the power of the dark gemstone into making another dark form of Lightning Blitz's heart and out came not just Dark Zlar's dark side but the dark side of Lightning Blitz.

Darkness Zlar: Finally! I am free!

Darkness Blitz: Hey.

Sombra: Let's go into introductions. This here is Darkness Blitz he will be your end and out of this life.

Darkness Blitz back punches King Sombra in the face.

Darkness Blitz: Speak for yourself.

Sombra: What?! You fool! Your opponent is Lightning Blitz!?

Darkness Blitz: You're the boss, King Sombra. But, you're not my boss.

Everypony just looked at each other not knowing what just happened and why that Darkness Blitz is not taking any orders from King Sombra.

Lightning Blitz & Darkness Blitz started working together to take King Sombra and Darkness Breaker down.

Darkness Blitz: Come on Lightning Blitz! Let's take them down.

Lightning Blitz: Right!

Dark Zlar: I'm joining in this as well! Darkness Breaker is my copy. You two handle King Sombra!

Darkness Blitz: Fine.

Lightning Blitz: Fine.

Darkness Breaker: Oh. It's been a long time since we teamed up but you did betray me!

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