70A211S [Septiplier]

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Inspiration: @YurpZie's story "The Shadow Runners -A Septiplier Fanfic"

The Order: 

Flyers (Can fly without gadgets, often also has a lower power in the Order) [practiced]

Distorters (Can manipulate the basic elements, like water, metal, fire, etc.) [practiced]

Blasters (Can shoot beams of... IDK, like super stuff? from their hands) [practiced]

Supers (Have enhanced senses or abilities, like super-hearing, super-strength, etc.) [born]

Humans (Have no special powers) [born]

All of these types you have to be born into, but the Practiced Ones need to hone and, well, practice their skill to use their abilities to the fullest. The Born Ones don't have to practice to use their ability (or non-ability).

T.W.: Slight Torture

"E. Fischbach," he stated out grimly, handing me several files thick with paper, "you're on case 70A211S. Good luck." I took the files.

"But sir, we've lost three men this week working on that case! Are you sure you want to send our best agent out there alone?" Felix pleaded.

"Perhaps you're right." Felix sighed, but his relief was short-lived. "You can go with him, Kjellberg."

"What?" I shouted. "That's not fair! He's gonna get me killed! Best case scenario, he shorts out my gear. This shit took years to perfect!" I was practically fuming. I loved my gear! I wasn't gonna let some paranormal freak ruin all of my hard work.

"Thought shit. Life ain't fair, kiddo. Learn to live with it."

"I'll learn to kick it in the ass is what I'll learn," I muttered under my breath. 

Amy—she had super-hearing—shot a conspicuous glare my way, and the captain raised an eyebrow. "Something you'd like to share with the group, Fischbach?"

I shot a glare back at Amy, but before I could reply there was a deafening boom. It shook the entire building, and there was a flash of bright light. Everybody was temporarily blinded by it, but thanks to my 'ASS ASS' glasses I could still see. The instant I saw the glass window break and someone walking on the clouds, I thought I was losing my mind. We were on the 94th floor! All this was, of course, before I saw the glowing green aura around him (to match the green tips of his hair). He was a Flyer; the highest class of the Order. They were extremely rare, the only one I knew was Captain Nikolas. But yet, this Flyer comes waltzing in through the window like he owns the place.

Soon enough, everyone's sight recovers and they immediately go into a fighting stance as they register the intruder. They all raced towards the figure, but more people were flooding in through the window. I realized they couldn't all be Flyers, and when I looked behind them I was right. They all had some sort of contraption on their back, like metal crows wings allowing them to fly. Then all at once, several people lunged toward the files in my hand. I realized that this could be potentially sensitive material, so I quickly dodged out of the way. The Flyer noticed this and sent several more people to retrieve the files. They were grabbing and clawing at them, but I had them in a death grip. At this point, I noticed people around me were moving their mouths, shouting orders at friends who were fighting by their side, but I couldn't hear them talk. I could only hear a faint ringing. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I dimly registered the Flyer pointing at me, moving his mouth, and then the girl behind him was lifting her hands and squeezing them into fists. A Distorter, I realized, before my pulse slowed and my world went black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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