performing arts 😣

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hey its time for stories yay

sooo I do performing arts and uhh here's some things that happened

last week, thursday.
me and my friend got into green hairpaint, and I thought it would be a WONDERFUL idea to take it and spray a little bit of his hair.

like, not much at all. just a little bit.

well, he takes the fucking can and just sprays my scalp. like, my ENTIRE scalp.

and his hair is black- I mean- you couldn't see anything.

but guess what?


my scalp is still kinda green.

alright, this one happened today.

so me and my friends were backstage (we're stage crew) and someone finds bleach. Lysol bleach, the kind in a spray bottle.

I don't even know where he fucking got the bleach.

guess what happened next?

well, we all know bleach and black clothing don't mix.

the back of friend #1s sweater got sprayed with bleach (it was an awesome jorgen sweater, I feel bad) and friend #2s shirt got doused with bleach. I managed to walk away unscathed, phew.

so, basically friend #1 is one of my best friends, and I felt bad, so I ended up sharpie-ing his sweater.

turns out, it bled through to his shirt, so I had to pin him down and sharpie that too.

good times.

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