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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO VICTORIOUS!!!!!!!!! All rights are own by Dan Schneider and Nickelodeon

Author's note: This takes in my idea world where Tori and Jade are in a relationship as I have it in my other fanfic, Tori's Secret Revealed. They are both still friends with Beck and Andre but not with Cat and Robbie. I have nothing against those two but they are so annoying to me. I do hope you enjoy this fanfic on the first day of October.


(The Asphalt Café)

Tori Vega is having her lunch with her girlfriend, Jade West. "So, Jade. Since it's the first day of October. Do you have any plans for Halloween, this year?" Tori asked her. "My parents are always out of town during Halloween cause they don't want to be bothered by the kids ringing our doorbell calling out, Trick r Treat. So, I'll have a candy bowl the kids can grab and enjoy and I'll be hiding in my room watching horror movies." Jade tells her girlfriend. "That's sad that you're alone." Tori says. "It's okay, Tori. I'm use to it." Jade assured her. "What about you?" Jade asked. "I'll probably dressed up and give out candies to little kid." Tori simply answered. "What were you last year?" Jade asked curiously. "For Halloween? I was Nikki Bella." Tori answered. "Really? Nice one." Jade complimented. "Thanks. What about you?" Tori asked back. "I'm usually a horror character. Last year, I was Samara from The Ring." Jade answered. Tori rolls her eyes in amusement. "Why you love horror movies so much, I will never understand." Tori joked. Jade chuckled and playfully hits Tori in the arm. They then see the boys walking up together. "Hello, ladies." "Hey, chickas." They both greeted. "Hey guys." "Hello." The girls greeted back to them. "So, what are you ladies talking about?" Beck asked. "Halloween plans this year since it's October 1st." Tori explained. "Ah. And?" He asked again and both girls tell them. "That sounds like you two." Andre said. "We know." Both girls said together. They all enjoyed their lunch until they see their princepal, Helen St. Dubois, with a microphone.

"Excuse me, students. I have an announcement." Helena spoke. None of the kids. "Excuse me." She tried again till she looked at Tori. "Ms. Vega, can I get a little here, please?" She asked the young singer. Tori then gets up, pulls out a whistle and blows really loud and long till all the students stopped chatting and looked at Tori. "All settled, ma'am." She told Helen. "Thank you. Now as you may know, today is October 1st and I have a very special announcement. Since we never have holiday parties here in the school, I have decided and all staff members will agree with me, that this year, Hollywood Arts will be having its first Halloween party." Helen spoke. And the students gets excited. "The party will be on Halloween night. We'll be having food, candies, games, music, dancing. And towards the end, we'll be having a costume contest. And whoever gets the most votes and win will pick which production they would like to star in for either this year or next year." Helen added. All of the students gets more excited as Helen ended her announcement and heads down and back towards the bulding.

"Oh, my God! Our first Halloween party! I'm so excited!" Tori exclaimed. "You seem to like Halloween a lot." Beck said. "Next to Christmas, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays." Tori tells them. "And she knows it's my all-time favorite." Jade added. "We all know that, Jade." Andre commented. She gives him the 'really' look. "Not syaing it in a bad way, Jade." Andre said defending himself. "So, we're gonna go?" Tori asked them. "Yes." "Sure." "Sounds like fun." Jade Beck and Andre agrred. This made Tori smiled big and she resumed her lunch as well as the others did. "This is going to be the best Halloween ever." Tori said as she kept eating.

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