Costume Shopping

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(The weekend)

(At a costume shopping store)

The gang enter seeing that their is less people shopping for Halloween costumes. "Wow. Usually these stores are packed." Andre commented. "We must have beaten the rush first before more people comes in." Beck said. "Well, since we're still here, let's look around for costumes." Tori tells the gang and they split up and look around to find their costumes. Beck looks for an Aladdin idea. He found a fez representing Aladdin in a way and now he needs to complete it. He looks at the racks till he found it that popped in front of his eyes. "Got it." He said to himself and takes it off the rack. "Well, I got my costume done." He says and went to go find the gang.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Andre asked his best friend. "Yep. Got it right here. So I will be Aladdin for Halloween." He tells the musician. Andre kept looking till one costume caught his interest. "What's that?" Beck asked him. "It's a Scott Joplin costume." Andre tells his friend and pulls it off the rack. "And it's in my size. Perfect." He says and decides to take it. "Who's Scott Joplin?" Beck asked. "He's consider the composer who started ragtime music in his days that helped influenced the music we love today." Andre tells his best friend and pulls out his phone and plays one of Joplin's music to show Beck

"Oh, yeah. I heard that music one time while on the road one time. It's very catchy, but I didn't know that it was written by Joplin." Beck tells him. "It's consider a memorable piece of music he wrote. It's called The Entertainer." Andre explained. "Well, it fits cause it was very entertaining." Beck commented. "Well, we found ours. Let's go find the ladies." Andre added. "Good idea." Beck agreed and went to find the ladies.

They find them still looking for their perfect costume but no luck. "You two found anything yet?" Beck asked. "Not yet. Tori really wants to do a couple costume so we're trying to find one." Jade explained. "Can we help?" Andre offered. "Yes, that would help us." Tori answered and the boys look around. "Hey, there's a Maleficent costume. You could go as her, Jade." Beck suggested. "Maybe but I don't think Sleeping Beauty." Jade reminded her friend. "But you like Angelina Jolie. And the sequel to Maleficent is coming out soon." Beck reminded her. "True. Alright, get that in case I can't find something else." Jade says and Beck picks it up. Tori kept looking till she found The Phantom's mask. "Hey, Jade. Try this mask on." Tori tells her girlfriend. Jade looks at it. "Why? And where's the other half?" Jade asked. "It's suppose to be like that. Go ahead. Try it." Beck tells her and Jade puts her hair in a bun and puts the mask over her face. "Wow, Jade. You can pull off The Phantom of the Opera if it were a gender swap." Andre commented. "I like it. You should do The Phantom, Jade." Tori says. "I don't know. The thing is...I've never seen The Phantom of the Opera." Jade tells them. She sees the boys looking not surprised but sees a jaw dropping Tori.

'YOU'VE NEVER THE PHANTOM OF THE OEPRA?!" Tori yelled. Jade simply nodded. "But Jade, it's consider one of the greatest love story on Broadway. It's so romantic and beautiful and everyone has a fun experience seeing this show." Tori tells her. "I just never gotten the time to see it when it does come here." Jade tells her. "Well, fortunately, it's here if you two want to go." Beck said. "Oh, we're going. And if Jade likes it, then she gets to be The Phantom and I'll be her Christine." Tori says. "But what happens if I don't like it?" Jade asked her. "Okay. If you don't like it, then you get to pick what costumes we're wearing for the party." Tori tells her. "Deal. And you better find your Sleeping Beauty costume cause I'll go as the Mistress of Evil." Jade tells her. "Already found it. In Tori's size." Andre pulls it out and shows her. Tori then looks up her phone to get tickets. "Oh, good. There are still some tickets left for tomorrow's performance." Tori said and orders them. "We'll have to go early for roll call at the box office." Tori tells them. "What time does it starts?" Jade asked. "1:00" Tori answered. "Then we will get there early. I do hope you're right and I do like this show." Jade commented and all four decided to go purchase their costumes and the mask. They each pay for their separate costume. "So we're going Aladdin, Scott Joplin, Maleficent and Aurora. Interesting choices." The cashier spoke as he scanned the tags. "I'm also buying this mask." Jade reminded her. "You've seen the show?" He asked. "No." Jade simply answered. "You should. It's the best show that ever came to Broadway." He tells Jade. "Don't worry. I'm taking her. And we made this deal that if she likes it, she gets to be my Phantom and I get to be her Christine." Tori stepped in. "And what happens if she doesn't?" He asked them as he puts the costumes in the bags. "We're gonna go as Maleficent and Aurora." Jade answered that time. "Well, whatever comes out, have a safe and happy Halloween." He tells the gang. They thanked him and left. "So where should we go for lunch, guys?" Jade asked. "How about our usual spot?" Beck suggested. "Nozu?" Andre asked "Why not? We go there more than any other places." Beck reminded them. "Beck does have a good point." Tori said. "Let's go to Nozu." Jade said and they all got into the car and drove to Nozu.

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