Costume ideas

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(After school)

(Tori's house)

The gang hang out studying and doing their homework for the day. Tori takes a break and gets up. "Anybody wants some lemonade? I'm getting myself some." Tori offered. "I'll take a glass. Thank you." Jade answered. "I'll have one too. Thanks Tori." Andre answered. "I'm good. Thank you." Beck answered as well. Tori gets 3 glasses and pours in some lemonade. "Here you go. Lemonade for me. Lemonade for my best friend. And lemonade for my beautiful girl." Tori said as she sets them down. "Thanks, Tor." Andre thanked. "Thanks, babe." Jade thanked her girlfriend. "No problem." Tori said and sits back down. "So, any ideas what you guys want to wear for the Halloween party? We don't have a lot of time." Beck asked them as he takes a break. "He's got a point." Jade added. "Well, what would you like to be, Beck?" Tori asked her friend. "Well, by the way I look, my best bet is to be Aladdin." Beck answered. "You mean that Disney thief?" Jade asked. "Jade, he's not a thief anymore. And yes, that's the one." Tori defended for Beck. "Well, you and Aladdin do share the same hairstyle. It could work for you." Andre complimented. "Thanks, Andre. What about you?" Beck asked his friend. "I'll have to think about it." Andre answered. "What about you girls?" Beck asked.

"I'll probably be another horror character this year. Don't know who but I'll find something." Jade answered but she sees Tori looking upset. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I was hoping that we could do a couples costume for the party to show that I am yours and you're mine." Tori tells Jade. "Babe, I love you and all, but I don't know if I want to do a couples costume because they're aren't any lesbian couples we can do." Jade tells her girlfriend. "You don't have to. Either one of you can gender change for a night." Beck suggested. "He's right. There are some schools do a gender change swap productions and it was pretty interesting." Andre aided. "So who do you see me as?" Jade suggested to the boys. "Well, Tori can be Christine Daae from The Phantom of the Opera so why not go as The Phantom? You can just put your hair up, place a bald cap and do the wig after adding the makeup on your face. I think Tori would approve." Beck suggested. "It's a fun idea." Tori said. "I'll think about it. But if it means that much to you, then I will do it for you, babe." Jade tells Tori. Tori then squeals and hugs her. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" Tori exclaimed. "But you owe me, baby girl." Jade tells her. "Of course. Whatever you want, I'll do it." Tori says.

The gang finished their homework and went to the sofa and relax. "So, when should we go costume shopping?" Beck asked. "How about this weekend? We don't have plans so it's a good day." Tori suggested. "I'm in." Andre agreed. "Let's do it." Beck said. "I'm down. We can also get some lunch afterwards." Jade suggested. "Oh, yeah. Sounds like a good idea. We go find our costumes and grab lunch afterwards." Tori sums up. The boys agreed and they just relax and watch T.V. "Why is that Celebrity Underwater still playing?" Jade commented. "C'mon. It's a good show." Beck said. "But they don't drown and die." Jade said. "Jade, please get over it." Tori tells her girlfriend. "Fine." Jade cave in. She then sat there unhappy while the others enjoy it till they heard the front door open and they see Trina with Cat and Robbie. "Hey, Trina." Tori greeted her sister. "Hey. So I'm guessing you heard the big news about the Halloween party. And this year, I'm gonna win the best costume and I get to pick the show to show my awesome talent." Trina bragged. The boys hold in their laughs along with Jade knowing that she is not that talented. "Have you picked out your costume?" Tori reminded her and Trina thought of it. " But it will be fabulous." Trina answered and the three went up to discuss. "Why are you related to her again, babe?" Jade asked her girlfriend. "It's a mystery that will never be solved." Tori answered. They all relaxed and enjoyed the company from their friendship.

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