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Schlatt looked at himself in the mirror, already feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. The white t-shirt Wilbur had supplied him reached to Schlatt's thighs, making him look like a child. The bottoms were worse. They were quite baggy and had swallowed Schlatt's feet whole in a pool of purple fabric. The businessman was embarrassed out of his mind, and the last thing he wanted to do was go out and face Wilbur. Right when the thought of sleeping in Wilbur's bath tub had crossed his mind, said male knocked lightly on the door.

"You doing alright in there, Schlatt? You haven't fallen in have you?"

"N-no! No I'm fine I'm just- I'm about to come out"

Schlatt stuttered embarrassingly. He rubbed his eyes, annoyed at how much this was affecting him.

"Alright, when you're done you can put your suit in the hamper right outside here"

Wilbur responded. Schlatt held his breath for a moment before whipping around and opening the door, suit tucked underneath his arm. Wilbur was sitting on his bed, reading a book. When he heard the door swing open, he looked up to see Schlatt in all his glory. The Brit's eyes widened and his cheeks became rosey. After a few moments of silence between the two, Wilbur covered his mouth and began to chuckle quietly. Schlatt grimaced.

"Shut up, Soot."

He grumbled as he threw his dirty suit into the hamper.

"You look charming, Schlatty"

Wilbur nearly purred. Schlatt flushed at the nickname and stormed over to his bed, laying down and throwing the covers over his head. Wilbur burst out laughing at Schlatt's little hissy fit.

"Good night, you big baby"

Wilbur chimed out playfully and flipped the switch on the lamp by his bed. Schlatt could hear him rustling about before the room was quiet. Now realizing just how sleepy he truly was, Schlatt closed his eyes and drifted away.


"Knock knock, Schlatt!"

Said male whipped around and stared in horror at his doorway where four figures were standing in the light.

"B-Boys! How are you doing on this fine afternoon-"

"Cut the shit J."

A shorter figure snapped. Schlatt froze.

"Times up. Do you have our money or not?"

The four figures that stood in Schlatt's doorway advanced on him intimidatingly, blocking any escape for the business man.

"Well you see, I just-"

"Shut the fuck up, we're tired of your excuses J."

One of the burly figures barked out. Schlatt clamped his mouth shut and gripped the desk behind him in fear. The figure in front walked up and picked up a diamond block on Schlatt's desk. Schlatt had to grab the Hem of his suit to not snatch the blue cube from the figure who was now examining it.

"If you don't have our pay, then I guess we'll just be taking all our diamonds back"

"Y-you can't-"

"Oh but we most definitely can! In fact, for the mistreatment of your employees I say we take back everything you've ever earned."

Schlatt's eyes widened.

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