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This one is long to make up for the time I haven't been uploading! Also I feel like I haven't made it obvious that Schlatt has goat features and I apologise, he has horns, a tail, and fluffy ears!


"My mine is just around the back,"

Wilbur called. Schlatt was currently suiting up in some armor in preparation for the mining trip he and his new friend were about to take. Wilbur had supplied him with diamond boots and an iron helmet and chestplate. Schlatt stood up and plopped the helmet on his head. The helmet was custom made for Schlatt to accommodate the large ram horns he adorned (Wilbur only had to cut out a bit of the iron using a stone cutter he had outside) Wilbur himself was upstairs gathering supplies and food. The business man grabbed the iron pick that Wilbur had supplied him with and made his way up to the first floor. Wilbur was in the living room, leaned over and shoving items into a shulker box. The Brit wore a diamond helmet and a pair of iron leggings and boots. Schlatt coughed awkwardly. Wilbur glanced around to see Schlatt standing stiffly in the armor that was a little too big for him. Wilbur giggled.

"I guess it's going to be a running joke that my stuff will always be too big for you."

Schlatt huffed, tapping his foot.

"Yeah yeah whatever Soot boy. Let's go mining."

Wilbur chortled.

"Yes, let's."

Wilbur pocketed the shulker box and grabbed his diamond pick. He smiled at Schlatt and led him outside and around the back of the cottage once more. A little farther beyond the picnic table was a small opening in the ground. The two made their way down the steps and into a small carved out cave that Wilbur must have made.

"This is where I keep most of my blocks I get from down here, there's a few blast furnaces here if you need to use them."

Schlatt raised his eyebrows. Life outside of the city sure was different, usually all the materials you wanted were already smelted and/or crafted for you and you simply needed to walk down to the shop and trade for them. Wilbur lived basically his whole life out here away from civilization and did most of the tedious work himself. Schlatt had never been mining before, and didn't even know how the machines down there worked. He was almost embarrassed.

"Anyway, to get to the good stuff we gotta go down deep. We can go down and start strip mining."

Schlatt hummed as Wilbur led him to another staircase that went deep into the earth. They made their decent, it taking a few minutes to reach the bottom.

"We can split up now, holler if you find something! Wilbur smiled and began to walk down the long narrow tunnel that stretched far in front of them. Schlatt decided to branch off to the left of the path and began to chip away at the wall.


Mining was a lot harder than Wilbur made it seem, Schlatt had come to notice. After about 15 minutes, Schlatt had already grown fatigued and needed to take a break. He had taken off his helmet, pushed back against the smooth stone wall and slid down in a heap of limbs. Checking his inventory he saw that along the way he had collected 22 pieces of coal, 12 pieces of iron ore, and 6 pieces of gold ore. Diamonds were fruitless so far. The business man sighed and wiped his brow, closing his eyes and simply breathing. A few seconds of silence pass before he hears a tiny squeak. Brushing it off as his brain playing tricks on him, Schlatt remains unmoved. Until he hears it again. Two more tiny squeaks. Opening one eye, Schlatt begins to listen. The squeaks sounded like they were right in front of him. Schlatt scrambled to his feet, grabbing his helmet and swung his pick at the stone directly in his like of sight. It doesn't take long for him to find what he's looking for, as the next couple of blocks chip away to reveal a large, dark opening in the mine. A cave! Schlatt definitely didn't want to explore it alone in case something bad happened, so his sprinted back to the fork in the path and called out to his friend.

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