kassie[ ]

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Wednesday, July 31st, XXXX ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀14:29

United States of America



I should talk about Kassie. This is supposed to be a report, after all. It’s supposed to see into my mental state, and since everyone thinks I am crazy, and some of them think that Kassie is why I have fallen apart, I guess I should do this theory justice.


I sigh at this question. There is no way to describe my sister.

There was something amazing about her. 

I didn’t care about her. But I did respect and admire her. How does that work?

I don’t know. But I watched from afar.

She was sweet. She laughed and smiled and was pretty and interested in all the “right” things. But she never bothered me. She didn’t say that something was wrong with me.

She simply accepted that I was there. I was in her life, and she couldn’t change that. She didn’t try to change me. She never barged into my room. 

In the river of Time, she was a floater, and without me, could have been a swimmer. She never tried to pull me into the river. Instead, she would float beside me, in the river. My parents would try to urge her ahead while at the same time trying to pull me into the water too. But Kassie remained there. She didn’t say anything. She was there.

And that was all I ever needed from her. She didn’t push, didn’t pull, didn’t make fun, didn’t appreciate. She just acknowledged that a person like me existed. She treated me as she would anyone else. 

That was all I ever wanted to be treated as.

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