Rui x Reader

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AN: I'm sorry for taking so long! Been taking a break from everything. Doesn't matter, enjoy the chapter!! ^^


I loved my little family more than anything in this world. These people were precious, they were my treasure. Never did I wanted to part with them, till the day we'd vanish from this world together.

But my wish wasn't heard by the gods up above. My happy life couldn't exist, I was too naive to believe that nothing bad would ever happen...

"You're not allowed to stray away from me, and you're not allowed to act without my permission." This guy said, he was the one who brought me here I believe. I've never seen such white hair that matched his pale skin.

"I still have a question." I've intervened, still trying to hold onto manners and the fear growing inside me. "Why am I here...?"

"Useless...I've told you this before, you're the piece that will help me get a real bond. Unless you want to get eaten by them." He turned his gaze forwards again after sending me a cold stare.

Not wanting to mess around with him, I obeyed what he just said and went with it. Who knows how this guy and his supposed family will punish me...

When one looked around, even people with bad sights could see that this house isn't in good shape. Everything looked kinda shabby and destroyed, nothing here looks like a welcoming place. Not like my hometown, really wished that I knew where it was.

"This is my family," he opened the door to what I would believe to be the living room. In there, there were persons that looked similar like him. But also creatures with the face or the body of a spider. "starting from there, this is mother..." he introduced one after another to me.

Usually I'm not someone that is scared of insects. But this is on another level! If I show them fear, would they be trying to eat me? Then it clicked, my mother used to tell me old stories of monsters eating humans.

They were called demons, but it was just some weird stories...right?

"Now that you know them, your position would be...a friend." He said in a monotone voice, the others were fake cheering.

"I, I can do that...but who are you?" I already regretted my decisions, the man with the spider face stood up and was about to attack me with his fist. Till my 'friend' stopped him.

"Father." immediately, the father seated himself down once again. "Remember my name, Rui. And now it's your friend."

"It's (L/N) (Y/N)..." his mere words have send a shudder down my spine, how can he speak without emotions? It's nothing like home...if this isn't going to change, then he'll never find this bond he was talking about.

"Is that so? Since we're friends now, I'm allowed to call you by first name." That was all Rui said. The next moment was just the family and I, sitting there with empty plates in front of us.

"Rui? Where's the food?" My stomach grumbles involuntarily, so embarrassing!

"We don't need any food, and stop those weird noises." He commanded, easier said than done. The growling didn't stopped like he wished, I believe he started to get annoyed with me. "If you don't stop this, I'll hang you up for a little bit..." suddenly, Rui had something shiny between his hands. They looked like strings put together or rather a cobweb.

"I can't do anything about it! I swear, it's because I'm hungry...since I came here." Holding my stomach, I've tried to muffle the noises my belly made.

"Ah, humans need actual stuff to those weird things." The fact that I now knew they eat humans and not the food I use to eat, was enough to make my mind go blank again.

Since then, his family was supposed to collect edible things inside the forest and feed it to me, even if I don't want to consume it. None of them tried to get close to me, they all kept a certain distance. It was only Rui who stayed by my side most of the time.

He was the only one who would talk with me. Since I wasn't allowed anywhere else, I've kept Rui's company as much as I could. The thing is...I don't thing of running away anymore, my thoughts started to change with time. And now, the only thing that keeps me going is...staying by his side.

"Rui, Rui. Where are you going?" I tugged on his sleeves, since I was a friend around 'his age' I was allowed to do these things.

"I'm going to him." Was all he needed to say for me to understand, this man wasn't really fond of the idea of having me, a human, by Rui's side. Though he never tried to get rid of me, did Rui do something? If so...then I'm really happy about it.

After watching him descend the mountain, my usual waiting for his return started. His family made sure I was fed daily, it was really kind of them...but there was always the smell of blood on them when they brought it. Even then, they kept me company and talked about different things, it was sweet and lovable in its own way.

Some days later

Humming around, I've been eagerly waiting day after day for my friend. But the more time we've spent away from each other, the more I think about this one thing.

Can I still consider us friends with those emotions?

I've felt those things only once, for another person other than my family. Can a person like me really fall for a demon? They are immortal, while I'm just a feeble human being.

"(Y/N)?" A familiar voice called out, when I looked up to see the person who called me. It was my family themselves.

"Mother, Father...little brother too." My voice was a little bit weak, since I haven't talked that much those days. My legs started to pull themselves to them, and the next moment was me in their arms.

"(Y/N)! My beloved child, we thought that we lost you! We thought that you've run away because we didn't treated you right!!" They were shaking, they were scared because I was never able to explain what happened.

"It's alright mother, I'm fine. You guys never did anything wrong, I only have good memories with every last one of you. You never judged me for what I was standing, always supporting me in every way." It felt like an eternity has passed since I last felt their warm hugs, their caring voices.

"We can finally be together as a whole family..." my brother mumbled, even though these words were meant as something reassuring, as something warm and happy. I couldn't quite get into it, this other family inside, who are hiding from the sun...they've been there for me as well. They still cared about me, or else they wouldn't talk with me while I'm eating.

"I can't go, there are other people I've met here. And there is a person I want to stay with, I think I like them...they've become precious to me." Looking back to them, I could see their shock. They wanted to refuse but they could see my determination and agreed to this.

Rui returned

"I heard that your family found you." He suddenly talked.

"Yeah, we've been crying the whole time. Talking about our lives so far and stuff..." a nostalgic feeling came over me when thinking back at this time.

"They've asked you if you wanted to return to them, why didn't you?"

"You would have been mad if I would go without asking, right?" I punched him playfully on the shoulders, but there was no response. I think I did something wrong. "Ah, I'm sorry Rui! I shouldn't have-"

"I don't think...that I would have been mad. Rather, the mere thought makes me sad...but if it's you we're talking about, then I don't know. It feels like I could let you go without killing anyone from your family, but I would kill everything else that tried to soothe me." Without even thinking any further, I threw my arms around him. His eyes showed concern, they showed affection, even his voice sounded so kind right now.

"Rui, there was actually a different reason I wasn't leaving. I think, that I've fallen for you..." and with that, a new future, a new family and a newfound beloved was made on this day. And many other days shall come, that's what I'd like to hope.

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