Muzan x Reader

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The different phases I had to went through left me speechless. Was it really worth it to throw so much away for one person?

My life began as a simple human being that lived in the city and served under a master, who wished to extinguish demons. Not to forget the one that brought those creatures up on the surface.

Kibutsuji Muzan...

He's been the enemy of this Corp and humankind, that's what they've been telling me since I've been working there. I never want to meet that person that created those monsters...

"I'm home!" Work took a toll on me, even though I'm still a child, I need to have the strength to help my family out!

"Welcome back!" My mother greeted from the kitchen out, she somehow seemed busier than usual. "We've got a guest here in our house, a friend from your father if I am thinking correctly." That answered my question instantly.

Excited to see this guest of ours, I went to the living room. Only to witness my father speaking with this man that I've never seen before in the city. Dark curly hair, and eyes with such a unique color!

"Ah, (Y/N)! Welcome home, this is my beloved child that I've been talking about recently!" With one hand gesture, I knew that he wanted me to come in and greet this person properly.

"Hello sir, I'm (L/N) (Y/N). It's a pleasure to see a friend of my father." That was good enough right? My mother and father taught me how to greet guests properly!

"The pleasure is all mine, your child has such good manners. I'm surprised." He said, his deep voice resonated in the air. It sounded so smooth.

They've been talking the whole time, and neither of them stopped smiling to each other or laughing as a matter of fact. The only thing I knew was, that I'm starting to feel left out and bored. With permission from my parents, I left the house for awhile to speak with the master I'm working under. He wanted something from me, I believe.

But that was something I shouldn't have done, because at this life went downhills.

"Master is so weird, why should I worry that demons attack inside the city?" I could only giggle at his kindness and worried expressions. He was around my age as well, which is surprising to say the least. "His father must have died for some time? I only saw him once and he didn't looked so healthy...poor thing."

When I've arrived home, the strong smell of iron was in the air. "That's weird...why is such-?" Traumatizing. It was pure horror to see an actual demon devouring the arm of my half conscious father...

The monster suddenly stopped and craned his head in my direction "Ah, you smell nice...are you perhaps a child with rare blood running through your veins..." with no time to think, he dropped the arm and walked slowly towards me. I couldn't move, my gaze was fixed on the horrifying scene of my dying parents.

"You lowlife..." I know that voice, I've heard it just recently... "I shall kill you to get revenge on my dead friends!" He sounded angered, and in an instant...the demons was gone? I didn't care, my parents are leaving me behind in this lonely world!

"Papa! Don't, don't worry! I-I'm going to get help from master! I'm sure he, he knows-!" Tears weren't welling up, only the feeling of terror and dread loomed over me. When I was suddenly lifted up by this man with raven hair, my father only smiled his all so familiar caring and known smile to me.

"Ple...ta, take...of them..." he nodded and turned immediately around, I could only look at their dying figures from his shoulder out.

"From now on little one, I shall raise you as my own." He hand stroked my head carefully, as if he could break me within seconds. But my mind was somewhere else, the pit of my stomach felt very bad. Like someone has lit the raging fires within me. Was this what one would call hatred?

Indeed, those burning sensation I get when thinking back to this creature gives me the urge to destroy them all together. Master was right...none of them should live anymore! I clung my little hand on his shoulder to suppress the emotions that might spill out of me, for now.

When this man, who called himself my new father, allowed me to pursue the work I'm doing by my master. I didn't know that I was some kind of mole for him...neither did I knew in the later run, that my so called father was using me for another experiment of his later on...

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