Taking a little Tumble

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Howdy, y'all. This is gonna be the Hufflepuff v Gryffindor match and, obviously, the doctor's gonna have some trouble with the Dementors. See ya at the end of the chapter, guys!

Harry's POV

I can't wait for the first match of the season! It's gonna be totally awesome, and it's today. I looked over at the firebolt McGonnogal had reluctantly gave back, and smiled.

This was gonna be a great match. I shoved some toast into my mouth, hastily chewing to get up to the pitch. Though, by the weather, it was gonna be hard to see.. that was annoying. 'But,' I thought, 'the 'puffs'll be in the same conditions as us, so it's nothing too bad.' The astronomy professor was.. well, worrying. He ate a banana, then abruptly left, hurrying down to where I knew his rooms were.
"That's weird," Hermione commented.
"Oh, you saw that too?"
She nodded.

"Maybe he needed something from his room but forgot it?" I speculated.
"Nah, mate. I reckon he was just nervous for the match and wanted to get away from ev'rybody." Ron said, on a rare occasion when his mouth wasn't overflowing with half-chewed food.
"Why would he be nervous for the match? It's not like he's in it, or was in either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, since he's apparently from America. Though, now that I think about it, that's weird. Where's his accent?" 'Mione asked.
I shrugged.

"I'm sure it's no big deal. He could've been grabbing some binoculars or something for all we know. Or maybe he had homework to mark quickly? No one can say but him."

Doctor's POV

I raced to my room. 'Only an hour until the match. I've got to prepare for the Dementors somehow, within that timeframe. It's not like I haven't done something incredible in a surprisingly short time though, so I suppose I should be able to.." I entered my mindscape, which was a unique place: each regeneration was guarding their TARDIS, in which all the memories were stored.

You would have to get passed them, get into it and try to figure out how to fly it to get to wherever the memory took place: a rather cool layout, if I do say so myself. I looked over to the War Doctor and his TARDIS, which were locked behind a forcefield, which could only be broken by a powerful, direct hit from a burst of regeneration energy.
Building walls around it was easy, after some practise. Soon enough, I had built the strongest walls I could in that time, complete with traps, surrounding each version of me, with the 'hidden one's' walls doubled up. I looked at the time using a Gallifreyan clock I had put in.

'Huh. 20 minutes left to spare. That should be enough time to get down to the pitch.' And so, with one last sweeping look around the room, I exited my mind and blinked rapidly for a few seconds, getting used to reality again.
I walked out the door, once my eyes had adjusted to the light, only to bump into Remus outside the Great Hall.
"Oh, hi Remus."
"Hello Doctor. Excited for the match?" I shrugged.

"I guess, yeah. I think I'd like to play quidditch, one day, but when I was in school I was too busy reading to play," I laughed.
I knew Remus would relate to the last part never being one to play the game.
"Yeah me too," he paused, walking in silence beside me, "if you don't mind, could you tell me where you went at breakfast? Sni-- I mean, uh, Severus seemed suspicious of you, so..."

"Well, see, I have a really bad reaction to Dementors, over 10 times worse than Harry's. I went up to my room so I could have some time to just build up my mental defences," I tapped my head, "since I'm still trying to learn the Patronus charm." He nodded.

From then, we walked to the pitch, just making small talk. I looked over to the Dementors, who  seemed to bundle together, with a shudder. If it were any other creature that Fed on minds or emotions, it wouldn't have affected me, but maybe the memories were just too strong.

Collision Course  (HP - Doctor Who) BOOK 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat