Surprise Test

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Midori: (wakes up and remembers the earlier events) No! (sits up in bed) I went into heat.. And.. (checks himself for any injuries or bite marks and found none)
Dorm Students: (knocks on the door and enters) Seina! You're awake..
We were worried about you..
Midori: Senpai.. How did I get back? Last thing I remebered, Yoshikawa-senpai locked me in a safe room.
Dorm Students: Imagine our surprise when he came in front of the dorm gate with you in his arms..
Midori: What?!
Dorm Students: He carried you back here in his arms when your heat calmed down.
Really.. You went to school even you're in heat..
Midori: I didn't know..
Dorm Students: What do you mean you don't know?
Don't tell us that was your first heat?
(they see the look in Midori)
Don't tell me..
It is??
Midori: (nods)
Dorm Students: Then what could possibly have triggered it?
And where was your medicine when it happened?..
Midori: It was in my bag.. And.. It started probably when.. (remembers the time his eyes met with Kira and blushes)
Dorm Students: (can smell the phermones coming from Midori) Oh my goodness!
Drink you medicine!
Midori: (drank his medicines) It can't be..
Dorm Students: (looks at each other)

A week later..

Akeru: (the school doctor) So, your senpai's told me what happened. Which also made me curious if your heat just finally arrives or is it due to other factor.
Dorm Students: (nods in unison)
Midori: And here I was wondering why I'm at school on a weekend. What's the point anyway? My heat already ended.
Akeru: Just.. Enlighten us..
(they took Midori to the school grounds and the Akeru would call out one student at a time for different reason with Midori close by and they happen to be alphas)
Alpha #1: (talking to the school doctor)
Midori: ( ̄. ̄)
Alpha #2: (also talking with the school doctor)
Midori: ( ̄へ ̄)
Alpha #8: (talking)
Midori: ┐(´д`)┌ Can we go back now?
Dorm Students: Nope..
Didn't affect Seina at all..
Akeru: (they are walking back to the infirmary) I was hoping for some reaction..
Midori: I told you. There's no point. My heat just finally came. The next one would probably come after three months?
Dorm Students: That's the usual cycle..
Sounds about right?.. (still in the school hallway)
Kira: (arrives) What am I doing here on a Saturday, ji-san?
Akeru: (。・ω・。)ノ Ah, Kira..
Midori: (sees Kira and suddenly goes into heat again)
Kira: Σ(O_O;) (carries Midori again in a hurry to the infirmary, inject the medicine to Midori, and closes the door of the safe room)
Akeru: (。ŏ_ŏ) That was fast.
Kira: (grabs his uncles collar) What the hell? Are you trying to make me commit a crime?


Midori: (╥﹏╥) (sitting down) I'm sorry for the trouble I caused again.. (blwing his head down)
Kira: (¬_¬) The one who should apologize is that idiot front of you. (standing by the door; had to inject himself again as precaution)
Akeru:(○^ω^○) (the idiot) That concludes everything..
Dorm Students: Which is?
Akeru: Seina-kun who never once went into heat despite facing other alphas, had one oh no wrong, went into heat twice when he met with Kira-kun. While Kira-kun, who is immune to any omega phermones only reacted to Seina-kun's. Therefore, concludes that..
Dorm Students: They're a fated pair!!
Seina! Congratulations!
Yoshikawa-senpai, congra- (sees Kira leaving)
Midori: I guess having a male omega as his fated pair would be a disappointment.
Akeru: Don't take it personally, Seina-kun. It's not because you're a boy that made him leave. Sigh.. How should I say this..
Midori: Sensei?..
Akeru: Kira's parents were also a fated pair. However, his father abandoned them for a rich lady. He's probably reminded of it. So, don't worry..

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