The Beginning

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The Sun was high and bright with clear skies and a slight breeze sweeping through the trees. Birds could be heard singing their songs that no one truly knows. The village of Naikiyoma(NAE-KI-YOMA) home of the Vieirians (VI-E-RIANS) was a peaceful village with the sounds of children laughing while playing in the sun's warm rays. The Vieirians were an immortal race of people with white snow fallen hair, bright red eyes, rabbit ears and tails, and a sun kiss tan complexity. But one child stood out from all the rest, the daughter of the village's female leader Fierya(Fi-Re-Ya).

The child's name was Zepheria (ZEF-ER-IA), this child was very different from her Vieirian friends and people, and she could never figure out why. Her mother was always busy with the meetings and taking care of her people, and she had never met her father, her mother says he died. She had the freshly fallen snow-white hair and bright red eyes, but she didn't possess the sun-kissed skin instead she possessed the pale skin like a porcelain doll, her ears, and tail are that of a cat just as white as her hair. Her hair and fur are also much fluffier than her other Vieirian companions. Even Zepheria's mother looked like her people so Zepheria figured that she took after her father.

Zepheria had a peaceful life while growing up mostly because of her mother's status as a leader. The only hassle Zepheria ever faced was with the other children. They pulled her tail and ears laughing at her and calling her weird or different, but she was a very smart and intelligent girl and always fought back. Her village was well known for their fighters and their excellent war strategies even the younger children knew how to at least wield a wooden sword, and Zepheria was no different.

Despite all the teasing and bullying from the other children Zepheria still loved her homeland. She enjoyed running through the tall blades of healthy green grass. The evening swims that she took in the semi-cold river after school near her house in the spring. She enjoyed the books that she read and had access to the large Academic Library in one of the rooms of her mothers' war council building. Romance, History, and large books filled with geographic landscapes and maps filled her with curiosity and wonder. She also found a fascination in the local blacksmith that was run by a man named Uguzer(U-GUZ-ZER), he was a man with little words but was very fond of the little Vieirian child and treated her as if she was his own daughter.

He found amusement in the small girl when she watched him with awe as he crafted weapons of all shapes and sizes. And he even burned and melted down older ones to make smaller or even larger and better weapons. She even asked Uguzer questions and he didn't mind instead happily answered them with great ease or sometimes the girl asked him something that even he wondered about. But all in all Zepheria's life was a pleasant one she was a sweet child and because of her mother's business, she taught herself how to cook and clean. On days that her mother could come home, they enjoyed their time together by playing games and cooking together.

Sometimes her mother would even teach Zepheria herself, on sewing or medicinal herbs or even a few moves in swordplay. But there was one thing that no one could prepare Zepheria for....not her mother, her teachers, her classmates, not even the books or the blacksmith. And that was that her life in her homeland would come to a fatal and deadly end.

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